Monthly Archives: March 2013

11 years, 1 month ago 12

He’s alive, He’s alive, and so are we!  Because of His sacrifice we have eternal life.  Almost from the day of his resurrection there have been those that questioned the reality that He truly rose from the dead!    Some have offered the theory that He was not really dead, and recovered in the tomb.  That does not explain the mistake that would have had to have been made by the experienced Roman soldiers that had crucified many men and declared them dead, then the questions remains how could a badly injured Jesus  move the stone, and what about the Roman guards the were stationed to prevent anyone from getting to the body?  Others said the disciples could have stolen his body and claimed he rose from the grave!  If that were so why would virtually every one of the disciples have submitted to die in horrible deaths to protect a lie?  If the Romans or the Jewish religious leaders had stolen the body they would have displayed the body to prove he did not rise from the dead!


No, my friend, he did come back to life.  He conquered death for both himself and us!

No, the Son has risen!


Because He Lives……


 (Verse 1)
God sent his son
They called him Jesus
He came to love
Heal and forgive
He lived and died
To buy my pardon
An empty grave
Is there to prove
My Savior lives



Because he lives
I can face tomorrow
Because he lives
All fear is gone
Because I know
He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because he lives



(Verse 2)
How sweet to hold
[ From: ]

A newborn baby
And feel the pride
And joy he gives
But greater still
The calm assurance
This child can face
Uncertain days
Because he lives




(Verse 3)
And then one day
I’ll cross the river
I’ll fight life’s final war with pain
And then as death
Gives way to victory
I’ll see the lights
Of glory and
I’ll know he lives

11 years, 1 month ago 52

Rarely does this ever happened, actually it has never happened until this morning!  I just got an email from a  person that really took me to task about my last three posts about tripods, bags, and choosing the gear best for you!  


First, I answered him with all the  courtesy and kindness I could pull together.  You never know what is happening in someone’s life to make them so angry they feel they have to lash out, so I certainly don’t want to make things worse for them.  Everyone has valid opinions, or at least valid for them, and I respect that.  


Secondly, brand loyalty can make some people very upset if they feel you’ve stepped on their toes, I understand that as well.  Since I only work for one company, Nikon, I do not represent, or get favors from any other companies I mention when talking about photography products on my blog entries. Some companies, whose products I use, and buy with my own money, do sponsor His Light Workshops, but Jim or I would never promote any product or service that we have not already used and been very happy with on our own, before any sponsorship is agreed to. I never assume that because someone shoots something other than a Nikon that they are a bad person, or have made a bad choice, we all need to choose our gear based on what is best for us, and what we like.  I have no problem with that at all. 


Third, this person did say something that frustrated me, in fact frustrated me enough that I felt compelled to right this blog entry for all the rest of you, and anyone, even if it’s only one person that may hold the same opinion.  He said, “Who made you the god of photography to dictate to all of us, what we need, or don’t need, or should buy^&!%@#$E@!:@!!!”


My response to that for the record:


I write this blog, principally to share my love and devotion to Jesus Chrsit, My Savior.  I try to bring message of encouragement and hope to my fellow brothers and sister in Christ, and to those that do not know Him.  I hope to urge those that do not know Him to come to know how deeply He loves th, and how He longs to have them as a member of His family.  That has always been, and continues to be my number one goal on this blog, and in my life. Everything else comes well after that!


Why write about photography at all then???  It is what I know best, I didn’t say what I know better than anyone else, just what I love and enjoy and like to share about.  I am just one more photographer out there having fun and enjoying the process.  I do not see my self as any more, or any less than that.  Everything I share is “my opinion“, that’s all.  Now the other reason I write about photography is that I believe God has given me a ministry to photographers, the people I know best and spend the most time with.  Am I qualified to offer the kinds of suggestions I make on this blog?  That is for you to decide, but again, for the record, these are my so called qualifications?  I have been a working professional photographer for over 43 years, I’ve taught workshops with and have become friends with many of the greatest photographers of our age, that certainly has allowed me to learn a great deal from them.  I have studied photography and the equipment we use with great fervor for many years, it is obviously a passion for me.  As a member of the industry  for the last 30 years, I’ve  had access to, and learned from some of the best people in the photographic industry and have salted that knowledge away as well. I’ve authored or co-authored five books, three of which have been best sellers.  But still, when I share the kinds of things I share here it is my opinion, my view, my thoughts, and ideas, it has never been, and never will be considered  by me, to be, words from on high!  I do not care what camera, bag, tripod, you use, as long as it is bringing you great joy in the process of making images!!!!  When I re-read my blog entries about gear choices I can see how some people would feel I am projecting an air of authority, but It is not that, it is that I have strongly  held views, but once again, they are simply my views.  Anyone that does not accept them is certainly free to disagree, and I welcome that.  It all comes down to this, I do not write this blog with the hope of upsetting anyone, but to be helpful. I apologize again to the man that wrote me the note, just please know if you come here, this is what we do here.


Have a great Easter,


the plilgrim


11 years, 1 month ago 1


Today’s In Touch Devotional is my best chance of sharing the importance of this day in the Christians Life, allow me to share it;


Romans 6:8-11

New Living Translation (NLT)

And since we died with Christ, we know we will also live with him. We are sure of this because Christ was raised from the dead, and he will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him. 10 When he died, he died once to break the power of sin. But now that he lives, he lives for the glory of God. 11 So you also should consider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus.


Destined for the Cross


When you saw the title for today’s devotion, I imagine that you thought it was about Jesus. If so, you’re half right. The cross is always about Jesus, but believers are also destined for sacrifice and death.


“Death to self” happens at the moment of salvation, when we are crucified with Christ (Rom. 6:6). The old self dies, and we are given a new nature as the Holy Spirit comes to live within us (John 14:17). At times it takes a bit longer to get to the sacrifice—the moment when we hand over to God everything we love and value.


God doesn’t stop at salvation; His purpose is to conform believers to the likeness of His Son (Rom. 8:29). So He gives us a new naturethen we can experience freedom because Jesus has triumphed over sin. But in order to live as God intends, we must be willing to give Christ the centermost position in our lives. As a result, the Lord calls us to the cross on a daily basis to lay down the things that might distract us from our purpose to serve and follow Him.


Don’t misunderstand what it means to be destined for the cross. God isn’t going to take away everything and leave us as lonely paupers. Putting our valuables on the cross—whether they are possessions, people, or dreams—frees us from the attachments of this world.


When we lay down worldly attachments, our self-esteem isn’t tied to “stuff” and our sense of acceptance doesn’t come from people. We are complete in the Lord. Or as Paul said, we are “alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 6:11). Enjoying a new life in Christ is worth a daily trip to the cross.



May you and your family be blessed this Easter Weekend, and may God  hold you in the palm of His mighty, loving, and nail scarred hands,


the pilgrim

11 years, 1 month ago 15

This is a wake up call for me, if it is for you, all the better, but please know this is something I’ve come to a conclusion about, for me!  Please read on with that understanding.  On the way back from St. Maarten I wrote a series of notes as I thought through some things.  I think they may be of value for anyone seeking to decide what they need.   I hope it is helpful for you.


So here is the drill…..”What do you really want, and need, and why.”


It’s really quite simple, first answer these ten questions:


1.  What do I do with  my images?  Do I sell them, do I do gallery shows, do I teach, do I use them on the web, do I submit them to be judged?  Do I make murals, cover walls and buildings?  Does it make sense to buy a camera that can make a file you will never need?  


I do most of theses things, but I’m light on the big prints. 



2.  Am I competing with people that I need to stay competitive with in terms of my equipment’s abilities? Am I in a photographic field that my competition drives what I perceive that I must have and use.  For instance if I was competing with Moose Peterson for the sale of wildlife images, you bet I would need lots of pro bodies and long, fast glass.


I’m not competing professionally with anyone so I’m not bound by t his concern. 



3.  How big will I print my files?  8X10?   13X19?    20×24?   24×36?   40×60?   8×20 feet!!!!  The size you reproduce your work will dictate the megapixels you need!  Shockingly, today with programs like Perfect Resize, you can make enormous prints even from modest files!


Only rarely do I print anything larger than 24×36, but when I need to I have enough resolution to do it.



4.  What kind of conditions do I work in?  What kind of light, plenty of light, very low light?  Do I need great High ISO, low noise?  Do I need high frame rate?  Do I make images in the pouring rain, blizzards, blowing sand?  Do I photograph dangerous animals or reptiles? What must my gear allow me to do?



I do work in very low light, so very low noise at high ISO is important to me, when the weather is extreme, I’m under shelter or by the fire side! 


5.  How much can I carry, or am I willing to carry?  At what point does the weight of your gear steal the joy of photography?  Do you climb mountains, trek in the wilderness?  Do  you mountain bike or kayak?  How much can you carry and preserve your health?


I’m not a hiker, climber, or outdoor athlete, probably never was!  The weight and compactness of my gear has become increasingly important with every passing year. 


6.  How much does the ultimate in quality mean to you?  Can I live with anything less than the best image quality that exists?  Would I spend $40,000. for a Phase One if I thought I might get me even slightly more resolution?  Do I pixel peep every file at 100%?  Do you use a tripod, a big heavy one, and a cable release and lock up the mirror for every shot?  Are you willing to?  


Quality is of a major concern for me, not enough to buy a $40,000. dollar medium format camera (weight is an issue as well), but I do want , within practical limits, the best image quality I can get. 



7.  Is it important that people be impressed with my gear?  Am I tempted to buy something because I think people will think less of me if I don’t own the latest and greatest gear? Do I buy gear because it is what  my friends have and use?


This is not a concern for me. 


8.  Is it important that people are impressed by my work?  How much am I driven by what people think of my work, or am I driven by what “I” think of my work????


I, like every other photographer I know, am pleased when someone likes and compliments my work, but that is not the overreaching concern I have for my work.  I am a  photographer because I love and enjoy the craft and art, and for no other reason.


9. Why am I making photographs?   Is it for profit and recognition of for the sheer joy of it?


The sheer joy of it!



10.  And now, the really important questions, can I answer all these questions with complete honesty????  How well do I know myself and how transparent am I willing to be to answer these questions???!!!



I have answered these questions with all the honesty I can muster. 


One last point!   I got a very good response from my friend John Gompf  about equipment collectors. My thoughts above were to help “us” as “shooters” sort out what we really need to own, to do what we need to!!!  For those of us, and I confess, I’m one, that love to collect gear for the joy of just owning it, all bets are off.  If you love collecting the questions above have little to do with your buying habits!!!


Having answered these questions, I now know what I need to do for myself!  I’ve now re-written my


Photography Mission Statement:


“I want to revel in the joy of seeing and capturing what excites me.  I want to openly share my vision with others, in hopes it will bring them joy, inspire them to follow their passion, and open their eyes to unseen wonders!  I want to strive to be the best craftsman I can without letting all the technical issues steal my excitement for capturing what I see and feel.  I want to challenge myself to make the very best images with the gear I have now!  I hope others enjoy my work, but I do not want that to be what drives me.  I want to find inspiration in the work of others.  I want to continue to share my love for photography with others…”




the pilgrim


After a half dozen emails asking how I answered theses questions above,  I’ve added my responses in blue above….