
11 years, 1 month ago 52

Rarely does this ever happened, actually it has never happened until this morning!  I just got an email from a  person that really took me to task about my last three posts about tripods, bags, and choosing the gear best for you!  


First, I answered him with all the  courtesy and kindness I could pull together.  You never know what is happening in someone’s life to make them so angry they feel they have to lash out, so I certainly don’t want to make things worse for them.  Everyone has valid opinions, or at least valid for them, and I respect that.  


Secondly, brand loyalty can make some people very upset if they feel you’ve stepped on their toes, I understand that as well.  Since I only work for one company, Nikon, I do not represent, or get favors from any other companies I mention when talking about photography products on my blog entries. Some companies, whose products I use, and buy with my own money, do sponsor His Light Workshops, but Jim or I would never promote any product or service that we have not already used and been very happy with on our own, before any sponsorship is agreed to. I never assume that because someone shoots something other than a Nikon that they are a bad person, or have made a bad choice, we all need to choose our gear based on what is best for us, and what we like.  I have no problem with that at all. 


Third, this person did say something that frustrated me, in fact frustrated me enough that I felt compelled to right this blog entry for all the rest of you, and anyone, even if it’s only one person that may hold the same opinion.  He said, “Who made you the god of photography to dictate to all of us, what we need, or don’t need, or should buy^&!%@#$E@!:@!!!”


My response to that for the record:


I write this blog, principally to share my love and devotion to Jesus Chrsit, My Savior.  I try to bring message of encouragement and hope to my fellow brothers and sister in Christ, and to those that do not know Him.  I hope to urge those that do not know Him to come to know how deeply He loves th, and how He longs to have them as a member of His family.  That has always been, and continues to be my number one goal on this blog, and in my life. Everything else comes well after that!


Why write about photography at all then???  It is what I know best, I didn’t say what I know better than anyone else, just what I love and enjoy and like to share about.  I am just one more photographer out there having fun and enjoying the process.  I do not see my self as any more, or any less than that.  Everything I share is “my opinion“, that’s all.  Now the other reason I write about photography is that I believe God has given me a ministry to photographers, the people I know best and spend the most time with.  Am I qualified to offer the kinds of suggestions I make on this blog?  That is for you to decide, but again, for the record, these are my so called qualifications?  I have been a working professional photographer for over 43 years, I’ve taught workshops with and have become friends with many of the greatest photographers of our age, that certainly has allowed me to learn a great deal from them.  I have studied photography and the equipment we use with great fervor for many years, it is obviously a passion for me.  As a member of the industry  for the last 30 years, I’ve  had access to, and learned from some of the best people in the photographic industry and have salted that knowledge away as well. I’ve authored or co-authored five books, three of which have been best sellers.  But still, when I share the kinds of things I share here it is my opinion, my view, my thoughts, and ideas, it has never been, and never will be considered  by me, to be, words from on high!  I do not care what camera, bag, tripod, you use, as long as it is bringing you great joy in the process of making images!!!!  When I re-read my blog entries about gear choices I can see how some people would feel I am projecting an air of authority, but It is not that, it is that I have strongly  held views, but once again, they are simply my views.  Anyone that does not accept them is certainly free to disagree, and I welcome that.  It all comes down to this, I do not write this blog with the hope of upsetting anyone, but to be helpful. I apologize again to the man that wrote me the note, just please know if you come here, this is what we do here.


Have a great Easter,


the plilgrim


52 Responses

  1. Mark Borchers says:

    Some people just live every day on a hair trigger. I admire Bill for being a big enough man not to fire back. Personally, I am always interested to read about what top photographers carry (in the bag or in this case, what kind of bag!). There must be a lot of other people interested in that question as well, because I see many photographers just taking the pre-emptive approach and making permanent links on their web sites listing what gear they use.

  2. Pastor Mike says:

    Nikon camera and a heart for Jesus is what I am, and if that offends you, I’m not sorry. God bless you my brother. Some people just don’t get it.

  3. Jenn says:

    Geez, I just can’t understand what would compel such a nasty message from someone. Secondly Bill, while I feel your response was completely in line, it’s unfortunate you even had to reply as such. I think I speak for most of your blog guests when I say no one misunderstands your purpose with this blog to the point such an explanation was needed.

    You are so full of grace and kindness. Well done, sir!

  4. Miles Smith says:


    Thank you for your kind and gracious response to the email you received. I look forward to reading your blog everyday and even though I rarely have a chance to remark on the blog, the advice given here is always appreciated and helpful, not only for photography but for our walk of faith as well. God bless you and hope to see you in Orlando in a couple of weeks.


  5. Jason Eldridge says:

    Mr. Fortney,
    I have followed you since I picked up your book “Great Photography Workshop” years ago. You have the kindest spirit that shows Gods Grace. This is done through your love of Christ. Often times when I read your blog I am reminded that in everything we do we should do it first for God, even photography. Photography can certainly be used as a ministry not only with the photographs themselves but with the people it puts you in contact with.

    There will always be people out there that attack because of the hour, day, or life that they have had. It is their choice but it isn’t always easy to hear. You handled it with much more poise and grace than I would have. Thank you for showing me a better way by example.

    Your knowledge, presence, and skill in this industry is rivaled by very few people and when you speak on this subject most would do very well to listen. With this amount of skill you no doubt have a certain level of confidence but that never shows through as arrogance.

    Thank you for all that you do. May God’s Grace, Peace, and Mercy follow you always (and I know that it will).

    • admin says:

      Thanks Jason, kind words, and much appreciated.

    • admin says:

      Thanks Jason, your kind words mean a lot, what tiny abuse we take here is not even worth mentioning compared to what he suffered for us. He died for all of us, and there today, but for the grace of God, went I. I’ve been that man. Now I’m forgiven. I’m resolved to be a new man in Him. Redemption was purchased with too high a price to respond in equal kind to an angry world..

  6. Ron Smith says:

    You are a man after God’s heart and I am blessed to know you.
    Good and faithful servant, you just keeping writing from the heart.
    Have a blessed Easter weekend!
    See you in June.

  7. Sam Britton says:

    So as not to sound like I’m being redundant, I’ll simply say . . . “Amen” . . . to all the truths that have been stated above. God has blessed you Bill and will continue to do so in all that you do. I pray the writer of the “note” has an opportunity to read these replies. Also, that he will come to know the Easter message and the true love for us that Christ showed on the cross. It’s Friday, but Sunday is almost here.

  8. Paul Dennis says:

    Hi Bill and thank you for all your advice on photography as for what will be in your bag it is your bag and at no time have you said it is for everybody Else’s bag,i to suffer not from a shoulder complaint but from a bad back hips and legs thanks to arthritis, so to see what a top class photographer carries or will carry is of interest to me,i’am not a religious man but still read your blog most days and i do not shout about your religion,because as with the bag it is yours to enjoy and be thankful for,please keep up the good work you do on both accounts thanks Paul.

  9. Scotty says:

    Mr Fortney, I am honored to be a guest of your blog on a daily basis and would like to tell you that you are a great inspiration to me as a photographer and as a man of God. Please do not change what you do or how you do it because of negative responses. We must keep to the Path! By the way, I have made several gear choices on your recommendations and couldn’t be happier! Much thanks.

    Peace, Scotty

    • admin says:

      Thanks Scotty, I’m glad things have worked out for you, no worries, things will not change here!

  10. DAVID OBER says:

    It’s a free world, if someone doesn’t like the opinion of another – they don’t have to listen. They can go to someone else’s blog and agree or disagree with them. It’s obvious that the individual that made this attack hasn’t meet you Bill. If he or she had met you, I’m sure the tune would be different as you are one of the most humble people I know.

    I feel honored to know you and consider you a friend, a adviser and teacher of both photography and faith. I look forward to reading your blog as often as I can and look forward to your fellowship and lessons while photographing some the best places and with good people.

    Stay Safe, David

  11. A good reply brother – much better than I would have done. If this ends up being a seven times sevently situation let me know when you get to 491. I am in Guatemala and a lot of things get settled by machete. I have one just for you.
    Dennis McCutcheon.

    • admin says:

      Some battles are better fought by Him, bless you in your mission there!

    • Apeng says:

      16a11c3515fWe admire what you have done right here. I like your eeemlnt in which you state you are carrying out this kind of to give back on the other hand would certainly presume through each of the responses which is working for you as well. Have you got anymore info on this kind of? 18b

  12. Diane says:

    You receive an A+ from this former English teacher for your response! At first I, too, became upset that you experienced this; then, I realized that I found it ridiculously amusing that someone would say those things when he doesn’t know you as a person and obviously doesn’t understand the motivation for your photography and blog. Good job of “setting the record straight.” A blessed Easter to you and the family.

  13. Gary Pinholster says:

    Bill, you’re a good guy and a good Christian … I wouldn’t worry too much about what someone like that said. As I’m sure you know at “our age” after dealing with the public for many years … you run into all kinds of people … some nice … and some not so nice!? Have a Happy Easter.

  14. admin says:

    Too true, Gary!

  15. Hang in there!! The type of post a person makes tells a lot about the person and his values. Keep doing what you writing and uphold your faith in God. I enjoy the blog and look forward to reading every word and even though I haven’t met you, we are Brothers in the faith we both share. I read many blogs a day and it is easy to tell the what kind of a person by his responses. At our age it is not worth being concerned about; just pray for them and keep living the faith.

  16. Susan in Columbus says:

    Bill, it’s incomprehensible that someone could so misconstrue your purpose. Any one of your blog entries, taken on its own, stands as clear testimony that the motivations and attitudes charged couldn’t possibly be yours. That the person so completely missed the message, and the spirit in which it was offered, is profoundly sad. It’s also frightening — as I moved past anger and thought more about the incident, I realized that it’s just such attitudes and willful blindnesses that threaten to tear our country apart. I admire the way you handled the challenge (loved your comment about hanging on to Jesus’ garment). Ron put it so well: keep writing from the heart! A blessed Easter to you and family.

  17. Glenn says:

    Being a bit of a gear head I don’t always agree with your thoughts on equipment, but I have great respect for your opinion and enjoy the gracious way you present it. I can see how someone might get frustrated with the egotistical way some other well known bloggers present their views, but a reader being upset with your kind writing style is beyond comprehension. There are trolls out there who seem to take their enjoyment by fulfill their own lack of creativity with “attack by reply.” My suggestion is to quickly hit delete and not give them the airtime they are so desperate to seek. Your loyal readers love you for the Christian gentleman you are.

    PS: Would you write more about bags 🙂

  18. Bill

    I value your opinion and take it with other things I read and hear and make judgements based on all of that input. The work you do both as a Christian and a Professional Photographer is very inspiring and you touch a lot of lives in the daily work you do.

    I love the quote from Bryant S. Hinkley entitled “Service.” One line talks about the great dividing line of humanity between those who contribute and those who only consume.

    In this case I would add an additional line that divides those who contribute value and those who only complain. Do not give this one complainer a second of your thought. You only need to keep doing God’s work. 🙂

    Look forward to meeting you someday.


  19. admin says:

    And me meeting you as well! Don’t worry, deleted and done…..

  20. Joe Spoto says:


    Although I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you in person. I am a loyal follower of your blog and you have graciously advised me with questions I have had in the past. This person obviously does not know you, or anything at all about you if he feels that way. Your response to him is an example to us on how to love your enemies. I hope you have a Blessed Easter, He is Risen!!


  21. Brian Snyder says:

    Keep up the good posts pointing and reminding us that Father loves us. We can not please everyone and as a brother in Christ, I appreciate your spiritual insight with photography. Hope your Easter is great for your family.

  22. Chuck Nickle says:

    You handled that situation so well, just as I would have expected. I enjoy your blog a lot for the photography info, but find so much more inspiration for my Christian life from it. I make my living from photography, but my walk with The Lord is the top priority. Thanks for the way you write it and keep up the good work. God bless you.

    • admin says:

      Thanks Chuck, when we place Him first in our lives, He rewards us with joy & peace unimaginable!

  23. Bob Lieber says:

    How ironic that on the day our Lord was so falsely accused this individual chose to lash out at you. I suspect that you were an outlet for larger issues in his life. I thought you handled the situation as well as it could possibly be handled. I am praying for you both. Please keep up your wonderful work, even at my age (59) I still need role models. I am signed up for the His Light workshop in Glacier this fall and cannot wait to meet you.

    Nikon Bob

    • admin says:

      I’m really looking forward to edging you too! A week with Charles in Glacier will be outstanding.

  24. Nick Coury says:


    I only weigh in to agree with the others as for your uncompromising testimony. As your friend, I’ve seen it in person. Anyone that stops by your site, can read it in your words. And all the folks that took time to comment, well they are more than casual observers that just want to let you know they love you and all that you so freely give them here. Above all that you offer, you continually point people to the “free gift” of eternal life through our Savior Jesus Christ. Basically, everything here is FREE! It just doesn’t get much better than that!

    Finally, I am so glad you test and review gear. I’ve been blessed to do this with lots of studio lighting, but some of the stuff you tell me about, I would never have a chance to read much about from anyone I know or trust firsthand like you. I know that you can not be “bought” and that you personally buy or borrow most of the stuff you test. That in itself is very refreshing as I’ve watched many others with far less standards and that lowers their credibility in my opinion. Thanks for that too my friend.

    Happy Easter to you and your family!

    • admin says:

      Thanks Nick, I count you and Aaron as two of God’s greatest gifts to me this year! Your friendship means so much!!! And thanks to all of you that took the time to offer encouragement on this little “life” experience!

  25. Joshua Boldt says:

    I like hearing your opinion on gear because it seems well thought out, and there aren’t any stores around me so it is nice to get live descriptions of things like bags since I can’t go look at them in person.

  26. Dennis H says:

    I don’t know how anyone can feel that you are trying to dictate anything. I read the blog everyday for inspiration in both photographic and spiritual areas. As a Canon shooter, I have never felt that you were trying to put down, dictate, or proclaim anything. You share your opinion of what works for you. I’m guessing if a person can’t see past that, they may have some other things going on in their life. Are they mostly mad that you share spiritual issues and encouragement on a ‘photo’ blog? It’s yours and you can share whatever you want. They certainly are not being forced to read it… I know for me, I want to hear both.

    Thanks for the continued writing and sharing. (And just think how good of a photographer you could be if you used Canon… 🙂 )

  27. Ken says:

    You have your focus set correctly on Christ. That is why I make your site my first stop of my daily photography blogs. The nay sayers are just the bokeh in the background where they need to be, don’t focus on them.

  28. Gary says:

    I just started to read you blog and love it. It is always refreshing in this day-and-age to see someone bold enough to witness Christ as their Savior. Plus, I also enjoying reading your blog about photography and seeing your images. Keep up the good work and thank you. God’s blessings to you and your readers.