Daily Archives: May 23, 2013

10 years, 12 months ago 19

In the process of buttoning down the Nikon years and traveling to see and me with important customers, and friends, I got to drop by Old Car City and do a little shooting.  This is one of my favorite places to shoot in the world.  It really tests your ability to see and capture graphics, and I always come back from there with a renewed excitement about photography!  Today I had a little while to really just concentrate on the things I love the most about Old Car City, color, and graphic design!  Today I really felt it, and I was in the zone, I hope you agree!  Here is some of the captures from this morning.


As I walked around finding one thing after another that got me excited, the best excitement of all was the memory of all the great times with my buddies at this great place.  I took a few minutes at the SFT grave site and remembered how so many people buried their lies!!!  What a powerful thing to happen in a workshop!  What an honor to run with such a great crowd and have so much fun!!!  Thanks, Jim, Snake, Chuck, RC, Raymond, Jim H., John W., and all the rest of our merry gang!!!


Can’t wait to get back here again!!!




the pilgrim