Daily Archives: May 12, 2014

10 years ago 8


I admit it, teaching is my favorite thing about photography!  David Wilson was the winner of the KelbyOne Day with Bill Fortney at Old Car City, (really?????!!!. that is called being a winner????!!!!) Well, anyway we had a great time, David was a very nice guy and we had fun kicking the tires and lighting the fires around OCC, no, we didn’t really start any fires, but we did have fun!  I showed David some of my favorite subjects, and he found some good ones himself.  Below is a sampli8ngh of his work for you to enjoy!



David was kind enough to write about his time with me in Old Car City;


On Friday, I was fortunate enough to be shooting with Bill Fortney at Old Car City (OCC) as well as being tutored by him.  The sky started out overcast and threatening rain making cool, soft light for cars sitting in the open.  Bill pointed out some of the good shots and told why he liked those shots.  Bill used his Fuji system to easily show what he was seeing and explain the concepts and how they applied to the subjects.  When I tried to get something different by getting a little different angle or I shot something that was quite different, Bill was encouraging the experimentation and tried a couple of the ideas.  For some shots, the experimenting produced interesting results.



Leaving the front area of OCC, we took the paths through cars and trees.  (I say cars but there are a number of small trucks in Old Car City as well.)  You can easily be overwhelmed by so many photo opportunities.  Here, Bill helped keep me focused on the good opportunities as we made our way to the Oil Can Truck and a low wall of stacked tires.  Later in the day, Bill allowed me to wander off to find some good shots.  Shortly, Bill caught up with me.  We shared the ideas and shots we had found.  While I was working the fender ornament on a ’59 Chevy Parkwood, Bill saw an interesting image presented by the open doors on the Parkwood.  We finished the day with Bill sending me out to find some interesting images.



At midday, we downloaded our images to laptops and looked through them.  Bill showed me his workflow for many of his blog images.  The few minutes he spent working on a couple of images for the blog was a great bonus.  I knew a little about the tools like Photoshop and the plug-ins.  Bill showed me how to quickly and effectively use those tools to spice up some images.  I’ve try to apply what I learned to a few of the Old Car City images I took with Bill and gave him to include with this post.  (I have a bunch of images still to work on.)



Shooting with Bill was great.  I learned huge amount about how to see subjects I have not shot before, I learned a bit about efficient workflow, I learned about Old Car City, and I got to know Bill.  It was fun to get to know Bill the photographer and educator and Bill the person.  





I really love shooting with other folks and getting to see how they see they world, it re invigorates my own joy of being a shooter!  Retiring from Nikon has given me more time to go out an share my work, my philosophy and most importantly, my faith!  It has been a great journey, I hope I get to do it a little longer!


I will be at the Louisville Photographic Society meeting Wednesday night in Louisville at Outdoor Photo Gear.    @ 13305 Magisterial Dr.   Louisville, KY 40223



Then Thursday night I will be with the great folks a the Lexington Camera Club at The Crestwood Christian Church @ 1882 Bellefonte Drive in Lexington, Kentucky  40503
Please join me!  The people we meet and get to share with are the greatest joy in photography, at least for me!


Evidence?   Another great guy we met at Old Car City, Jim Erickson!


the pilgrim