Daily Archives: February 5, 2015

9 years, 2 months ago Comments Off on The Joy of Flying….


Image by Mark Alberhasky of me flying at sunrise.


Hey Guys, thanks so much for joining my campaign!!!  Seriously when I did the America From 500 Feet I & II I really got a charge out of publishing some of the images of Wes and I flying,  I’d love to share a few of them with you!  We had a blast!


Wes landing in Tennessee.  My image.


Me flying over a farm field in Texas, shot by a friend in another Powered Parachute.


Wes’ self portrait flying over the Sawtooth Region of the Rockies in Idaho.


My self Portrait flying over Hombre Hills in California.


I thank God I got to see America from this vantage point!!!  It was fun too!





the pilgrim


9 years, 2 months ago 37



O.K.  I’m not really running for President, but there are a lot  things I sure would like to see changed, so here is my mock campaign promises!


1.  If elected I will ask Congress to draft and pass laws that states any law passed by the Congress must apply to all citizens including members of congress, and all elected officials including the President and Vice President.  I will promise to sign it the day it is passed!


2.  I will press that election laws be drafted that would require anyone running for office, once elected, to submit to a full  forensic audit.  Once their personal wealth was determined, they would have to sign a document stating that after their term in office, any gain in net worth of more than 10% would have to be submitted to the general fund.  In other words you can no longer come to Washington to leave filthy rich!!!!


3.  I would require a balanced budget and a plan that would “assure” the reduction of the national debt over a 10 year period of time.  All options are on the table.


4.  Any out and out lie told to the American people by any office holder, if caught and it could be proven, would be cause for an immediate expulsion from office and the loss of their pension. That would strike fear in the entire District!


5.  On the subject of pensions, all federal office holders would be in the Social Security system, no exceptions.  I bet they would fix it then!!!!!


6.  After a solid, holes free policy is established, (Congress will have 6 months to do this), Any person on welfare will have a period of two years to train and seek employment.  Except in the most extreme circumstances, Welfare will be cancelled after the two year period.  All government assistance programs would go under a full review.


7.  I would require a flat tax of some type that taxes all citizens regardless of income, at the same rate.  No loopholes so that the exceedingly wealthy can get out of taxes and no free ride for low income. After the welfare clean-up program ended, I think it could be considered to tax the truly poor, at lower rate.  My goal would be to reduce the numbers of the truely poor significantly.  After all these years since the Johnson administration and the War on Poverty, we have more poor than ever before, we’re loosing that war!!!!!


8.  The day I took office I would call in the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the military.  I would ask for a master  plan for defeating  terrorism, at home an abroad.  I would say my number one goal was the eradication of Isis.  I would say “all” options were on the table.  There would be few limits on what our soldiers could do in war, with the exception of human cruelty!


9.  I would ask the Boarder Patrol to close the borders and return to a immigration policy as before the current madness.  I would ask for my advisors to find the most humane way to deal with the 20,000,000, 30,000,000 or 40,000,000 illegal aliens that are currently in the U.S.  There would no longer be mass entrance into the U.S. without proper immigration policies followed.


10.  I would ask for a plan be studied to fix our monetary policy, which might involve not renewing the Federal Reserve Board’s Charter, since they’ve done such a bang up job!


11.  I would state, “God Bless America” as often as possible, I would try to lead by example and personally put an end to political correctness.


12.  I would ask the American people to pray for America, and would support and attend the National Day of Prayer breakfasts.  I would respect others right to believe as they wish, and protect those rights, but I would no longer allow the Christian community to be the brut of punishment.


Wow and a lot of other cool things!!!


If you don’t agree with any of this, don’t bother responding, I’m not in the mood for it!!!!!  Burning the Jordanian pilot alive, has my dander way up!!!!!!




President Pilgrim