Daily Archives: April 6, 2015

9 years, 1 month ago 30



I ask myself that question all the time!!!!  I got an email today from a person I know was well meaning.  They suggested that my sharing my political thoughts was not consistent with the faith aspect of this blog, that I should start another blog for that kind of information.  I thanked them but responded that I didn’t think anything I had shared, was not in keeping with my faith.  Well, after some thought they were probably right on at least one level.  I am not perfect, never claimed I was, I’m human and I know I  am!   I know sometimes I share my frustrations before I give it enough thought.  If I offended anyone I’m truly sorry.  Now I’ve stepped up to the plate, and said I was sorry, and I really am.  I didn’t say that I don’t really feel the way I feel,  just that I mean no harm to anyone.


Let me try to make an example.  I’m a conservative, (big surprise), and I most often take that position on issues.  I was listening to the radio today as I was I coming back from Knoxville.  A person made a really good point, one that I think often escapes  people.  When a pizza place in Indiana said they would rather not serve pizza at a wedding of a gay couple, (to a hypothetical questions)  they were immediately taken to task by the gay community.  They simply were, in nice way, saying we would rather not do that. The people that were offended, made death threats, said they would burn down the business, and the owners had to close down until things settled down.  You tell me what is worse, asking to not take part in a wedding on religious grounds, or threatening death and destruction of property.  Surely you don’t believe those rise to the same level???


As a Christian,  I’m often treated very harshly if I might not agree to go along with a closely help belief of the left agenda.  I have no hatred or dislike for the gay community, I have some friends that are gay, I don’t want to take part in that life style, but I do not treat them in an ugly manner.  I do not judge them, that is, according to my faith, God’s job, not mine.  If you ran a print shop and you were gay, and someone came in and asked you to print up signs for a rally that contained hate speech about gays, would you print them?   Well, neither would I.    I am Pro Life, I have friends that are Pro Choice,  they think they are right, I think I’m right, but I wish them no harm, each of us will have to answer for our stances to a higher power than anyone here.


What is my point?  If my conservative views are painful for you,  this may not be the best blog to read.  I don’t watch MSNBC or listen to NPR, or for that matter watch any news on the major networks, it just reminds me of how radically different my views are from theirs, and theirs from mine.  Why torture myself.  I listen carefully to all sides, but I’ve finally decided exactly where I stand, and so, I don’t expose myself to stuff that will be agonizing for me!


For me as a Christian, I have s simple test, when faced with a controversy, I ask, based on my knowledge of scripture, where would Jesus stand on this issue?   If you study the word, that settles most issues pretty quickly.  I know that if you are not person of faith, that position would not hold much weight for you.


I love you, because Christ loves you, I pray for all of you, and I trust you and He will work things out.  In the meantime, I want to be at peace with you!  I hope you can live with that!  I won’t change, but I won’t judge you either!




the pilgrim