Daily Archives: April 15, 2017
Shot at Old Car City X-T2 / 18-135 in Acros with a red filter
I got a bunch of email questions about the previous blog entry so I thought I would answer them!
Question: When do you prefer to use the X PRO 2 and the single focal length lenses?
Answer: First, it is the tactal experience, I simply love hand holding the X PRO 2 with any of the single focal length lenses, second for some subjects the quality of the glass just screams with wonderful images!!! 60mm Macro below!
Question: I notice you don’t have either the 18-55 or the 16-55, I remember you had and sold a 16-55, why do you own neither one?
Answer: Actually you are right, I own the 18-135 which covers the range of both It is slower and maybe just a very tad less sharp, but enormousely useful and plenty sharp enough. I had both and found I rarely used them after getting the 18-135. From time to time I am tempted to re-purchase one of the two, if I did, it would be the 18-55, if I find a good deal on one I would still like to have it for travel. The image below should kill all debates over if the 18-55 is “sharp enough”!!!
Question: How would you use the 16mm f 1.4 for greatest affect?
Answer: Actually the image below, is a great exanple of extreme shallow depth-of-field and close focus ability of the 16mm! These kinds of lenses help us make a statement that can’t be accomplished with any other lens!
Question: I read a test report on E PHOTO Zone that said the 18-135 was not very sharp, any comments?
Answer: I read the same report and I generally have a great deal of trust in their test reports, I think they are very fair minded and thorough. One thing I know is that all lenses vary in quality on rare occasions. If they had tested five lenses I would bet a bunch that the other four would have gotten much higer scores. I truly beleive and know that the two I have owned are both very sharp and of the highest quality, proof below!
Question: I’ve considered the 100-400 but wonder if it is really that good?
Answer: To be honest, I felt the same, I really worried about if a zoom of that much range could be good enough for critical work. When I tested it for Fujifilm, I was astounded. The image below was the one that sold me!
So at least that is a few, more to come!
the pilgrim
One last point, we worry too much about the gear! Guess what this was shot with?
How about the original Fujifilm X10, a $600. high quality point and shoot! Hand held no less!
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This entry was posted on Saturday, April 15th, 2017 at 3:47 pm
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