Daily Archives: April 21, 2023

1 year, 10 months ago 8
Posted in: blog


This first shot was made years ago on a photo workshop in Arches National Park.  Charles had climbed up on a rock ledge to make this iconic shot and I saw, as the sun hit the rocks, he was a perfect silhouette!  I asked three friends to hold his legs in the shadows in fear he might fall!  Charles loved the image so much that a very large print version of it hung over his desk in his office at In Touch.  I was thrilled he liked it, but even more thrilled he didn’t fall to his death!



When visiting Charles at his home in Atlanta, I saw this beautiful image hanging on his wall, he told all about a studio photographer that used this actor portraying Jesus and shot this image of them I asked could if I could copy it andI did right then and there with a handheld camera, I loved this image and still do!  It was shot in Italy.



On the ocasión of Charles 80th birthday celebration and the release of his I Love To Tell The Story book, Carl turner shot the image of Charles and I visiting  after he signed a copy of the book to me.



This incredible portrait of Charles was made by Carl Turner.  It was one of nicest portraits of the natural Charles in the woods!



While running workshop in Glacier national park where Charles joined us, our gang “The Boys” posed for a couple of images with one of the red buses that take tourist up and down the Highway to the Sun!  Top image. left to right; Bill Fortney, Jim Begley, Chuck Barnes and “Snake” Barrett, Charles is in the Drivers Seat, as he always was!!!





I will search for more images and post again, but it was fun remembering these great moments with him!




the pilgrim