Daily Archives: May 20, 2023

1 year, 2 months ago 20
Posted in: blog


First let me apologize for being so long bringing you an update, a lot has happened in last two weeks!!  Today is the first time I have made it upstairs to my computer in two weeks.  Let me run you all through what has transpired over that time period.  


Monday, May 8th:  I had my TAVR, (Trans Aortic Valve Replacement),  the surgery went well and the valve was replaced and was performing as expected.   My Surgeon, Dr. Anthony Rogers and my Cardiologist. Dr. Paula Hollingsworth did a great job!  I was released to go home just one day after the surgery.  I rested and recovered most of that week, feeling better each day.


Sunday, May 14th (Mother’s Day):  I started to have some episodes of AFib where my heart rate was running from very slow to very fast.  Sherelene insisted I go to the emergency room, but I resisted, not wanting to go back in the hospital.  She kept insisting and I kept resisting, then she talked me into getting the car to drive that direction.  I told her if I had one more almost fainting episode we could to the ER.  I had no more than said that when I almost blacked out, in minutes I was in the ER.  Within minutes of arriving there I coded and was without a heartbeat for a four to five seconds.  They did chest compressions and had me back in this world quickly. Had I not listened to Sherelene I might have died at home on Sunday!  About fifteen minutes later I coded a second time with the same response.  At this point they called for an air vac and flew me to Lexington Baptist Heart Center where Dr. Rogers was waiting for me.  I coded a third time in Lexington in the Heart ICU, then they started a drip of a medication that stabilized my heart rate and observed me in the ICU overnight.  The next morning, Monday, they did a procedure to place a pacemaker in my chest, further stabilizing the afib.  I was released to come home on Wednesday.  I’ve now been home recovering since then.  Until today, Saturday the 20th.  I’ve been struggling through broken or cracked ribs from the chest compressions, (no complaints, they brought me back from death three times).  


Today. May 20th:  is my best day yet as I can walk around without help, even climbed the stairs to the office to do this entry!  My heart rate has remained stable and my surgery sites are all healing very well!


So some Perspective on all this:


In my entire life I have had two pivotal “Physical Events” the have shaped my life.   42 years ago when I was told I had terminal cancer and thought I had only a few months to live.  You’ve all heard that story.  And, last weekend when I died three times, only to be brought back each time.


42 years ago my entire perspective on what is important in life was changed and it forever re-directed me in my desires, goals and purpose.  This week has deepened the commitment I made back then.  Back then I gave my life and heart completely to God and vowed to serve him “every moment for the rest of my life”.    This week I remembered how precious this life is, the family and dear friends that God has so graciously given me, and of whom I am unworthy, but still thankful for that gift.  I now have  redirected my goals to listen for God’s voice and be obedient to whatever he asks of me.  I think I was already doing that, but my attention has been more laser focused on His will.


God deals with each of us where we are and in the way we need to be spoken to, I’m not beating you up with what I have gone through, only sharing where it has brought me.  I have no idea whether I’ve been given a few weeks, months or years to live for Him, but whatever time I have it is His!  I do know that he loves you more than you know and He wants you to belong to Him, I can only pray that everyone who reads this gives thought to where they want their spirit to reside,  I hope it is with my loving, caring, gracious and forgiving Heavenly Father.


For all of you that have payed for me, thank you, I will be forever grateful for another chance at this life!


With all His love,



the pilgrim


Note: A special thanks to my dear brother and friend Jack Graham who has stayed with me at home the last three days,  you’ve aided in my healing my friend!  To my best friend, partner and love of my life, Sherelene. your tireless efforts to watch over me are beyond what anyone could ever deserve, I Love you and want to live on for you!