Daily Archives: August 7, 2023

1 year, 2 months ago 4
Posted in: blog


This morning I was looking through old images on my computer and ran across some that made me smile, I hope you enjoy them too!


Above:  After years of traveling with Jack to do workshops across our great land, this is a common scene as we try to wrangle our luggage, camera gear and the projector in airports!



This one made me smile and brings a tear to my eye!  For years traveling to Colfax, Washington for the Palouse events, our favorite place to eat was the Top Notch, Pete and Candis Koerner ran a great little spot and he still has one of my best burgers in memory!!!!  Sadly, the Top Notch is now closed, leaving Colfax as a wasteland for food!



I found this little engraved stone and had to make a shot of it!  Never truer words were spoken!



In October Chester will be 5!  Here are a few early shots of him with family members!  He now weighs 85 lbs!



When Jack and I are in the field doing a workshop it is always a lot of laughs!  Our students seem to enjoy it and we are part time comedians!  This is at Nelson Ghost Town just south of Las Vegas!



This was at another ghost town, never really understood it, but couldn’t pass up the shot!



Finally, while walking in downtown Bar Harbor, Maine I saw this rain jacket with a hilarious proclamation, it is Waterproof Resistant!  Does that mean it resists being waterproof, well for $19.99 what do you expect!!!


Hope you got a smile out of some of these, happy Monday!





the pilgrim