Daily Archives: February 11, 2024

5 months, 2 weeks ago 2
Posted in: blog


Many years ago my wife and I established a workshop company, The Great American Photography Weekends.  I hired many of the very best known nature/Landscape and Wildlife photographers of that time period to speak at 2o0 person events across the US.  The company had a very long life and over that time period we serviced over 7,000 photographers!


Such luminaries as John Shaw, Art Wolfe, the late Galen Rowell, the late John Netherton, David Middleton, Bryan Peterson, Jim Brandenburg, Jack Dykinga, David Muench, Larry West and George Lepp where just some of the great photographers that worked with us.  


Of all these wonderful shooters, John Shaw stood out as the best “teacher” of the group!  Not only a legendary photographer, John could make even the most difficult to understand concept of photography simple and easy to understand.  The photo above is of a photo lesson we included in a set of “Photo Cards” for field use.  It is still a great set of reminders today about composition!  Enjoy!




the pilgrim