Daily Archives: June 21, 2024

2 months, 3 weeks ago 3
Posted in: blog




For years I’ve been a big fan of lenses, everybody’s lenses!  When I worked for Nikon as a Tech Rep,  I tested hundreds of lenses and for my own curiosity I’ve tested hundreds more!  One lens I have always admired and heard great things about was the Olympus 75mm f 1.8.  I never was an Olympus shooter so I never had any real personal experience with it.  When I decided to pick up a Panasonic Lumix GX85, (a Micro 4/3rds sensor camera), I now had a camera that could accept that lens, so I picked one up and boy am I excited with the images!


About the lens, because it is used n micro 4/3rds sensor and a 2X crop factor,  the focal length is the equiv. of a 150mm with a maximum, aperture of f 1.8.  It is a odd focal length but a great moderate telephoto with exceptional performance and fast to boot!  it is physically small and handles very well on the small range finder style body, the GX85.  The images below are just random shots I took this morning driving around Corbin with Chester.  All handheld, see what you think?



I know Sharpness is hard to evaluate on the internet, but the files are impressive on my computer screen, even at 100%!  Not the most exciting subject matter, but I felt the lens performed very well!  I would welcome your comments and thoughts!





the pilgrim