
10 years ago 12

The 505 German U- Boat captured during WW II.


Last week I went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago and got a few unrelated images during my time there.  Speaking of unrelated!!  The images are just window dressing so I an share a few images while I talk about something much more important!  So I hope you like the image while I share about Sherelene!


The anchor of the German U-Boat 505!


The purpose of an anchor is to fix and stabilize the position of ship in a tossing sea.  To prevent it from moving away and coming into harms way.


Sherelene has been my earthly anchor.  She has jokingly said that she raised four children, our three and me!  It is not very far from the truth.  I believe that God protected me and held me until she camera along, she has had more to do with what I have become as a man than anyone else, with the exception of my father on earth, and my Heavenly Father.  She has been my Heavenly Father’s instrument here!  As a young married man, I thought I knew what a man was supposed to be, but step by step, Sherelene has helped me to realize how different a real man is from the fictional description I thought I knew all about!!!


Sherelene has taught me what sacrifice is all about.  She never told me about it, she modeled it!   I watched how she raised our children, dealt with others, cared for her patience, loved and respected her family, and honored her father and mother.   I saw here work tirelessly for all of us, never complaining, and never slowing down. Always willing to do whatever ended to be done.


Sherelene taught me what steadfastness was all about.  I’ve never known anyone that has more drive, energy, dedication, and grit!  There is no quit in Sherelene!  She faces every challenge knowing it will be defeated, and then slogs on into the battle!


Sherelene taught me what love and devotion are all about.  I have seen real love first hand.  I’ve seen faithfulness, and kindness, grace, and compassion.  All the attributes I needed to learn God used her to teach me.


Thank you Sherelene for loaning me your life for the last 44 years, I would not have wanted to spend it with anyone else, and feel so honored that you gave those years to me!


……and now more totally unrelated museum images!!!


Aircraft Carrier model.


Wagon and bucket.


Mike Ditka’s Steak House!


Old pharmacy bottles.


Sherelene and I had a great trip to Chicago together, today as I drove away from her for the week, I wanted to call off my trip and just go back home to her!   This retirement is pretty great, spending more time together!  Can’t wait for her to join me this coming weekend!




the pilgrim





12 Responses

  1. Well stated. Today, I am told, is National “Kiss Your Mate Day.” Hope you take advantage of it!

  2. the pilgrim says:

    I will in spirit!

  3. Hi Bill
    Loved today’s post. You could have been talking about my wife as well. She has worked with emotionally and mentally challenged children for 29 years, raised two beautiful children and one slug of a husband. Anything good that I have become, she is responsible.

    Love your work and your message. Read you every day, only comment occasionally.
    Blessings to you.

  4. Dave is right. We owe them more than words. Got mine a new van last week to haul her quilting stuff and quilter friends.

  5. Pastor Mike says:

    Know what you mean 33 years and still in training. I’m yoked to a good one; thank you God.

  6. David Wilson says:

    I expect that many of us readers could say almost identical things about our help-mates. I know I could not be as eloquent as you or the others posting replies. For me, it’s been a wonderful 36 years (37 in about 6 weeks) even when the road has not been as smooth a journey as we expected but we are stronger for the unexpected twists and turns.

  7. Diane says:

    What a beautiful tribute to my sister. She is truly a blessing to us all.

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