My compassionate risk taker……..

9 years, 11 months ago 12

Each child is unique, and Wes breaks the mold.  From the time he was a toddler and got the nickname “Houdini” because of endless ways he discovered to escape his crib, I knew he was going to be a handful.  Wesley Robert Fortney, I wanted to call him Wes Bob, and his mother, wisely, shot that down immediately,  is our middle child. We once came home from the movies and discovered even with a sitter, Wes had piled pillows on the floor, thankfully a lot of them, and was falling off the second floor balcony to the floor playing, “The Fall Guy”,  a popular TV show about stunt men starring Lee Majors, yep I knew we had our hands full!



While Wesley’s exploits of  flying climbing, hiking, and canoeing might seem to add up to a rush junky, Wes is much, much more!  He is the son that hiked to Mount LeConte’ with his mother, just because she wanted to go!  He was the first to show up to help console his family and  bury our beloved Samson (the Big Brown Dog), when Catherine, Clint, Cassidy and Cade lost their friend.  He’s the son that quit his job and joined me to make the dream of my life come true, to become a pilot and criss cross America for my book project, that became our book project. He is co-author of the largest selling aviation book on America of all time.  He is the compassionate young man that found dozens of people that needed help as we drove 73,000 miles across America, and he found a way to help each one.



Yes Wesley loves adventure, but he has become a devoted father and husband, and loves his family. He loves his brother and sister and their families, and he is a devoted son to his mother and father and works hard to provide for his family.  I could  never thank him enough for all the joy he has brought into my life, and the things he has taught me.  Wesley has encouraged me all along the way.  Most of all he has transitioned from being my son to being my son, and my friend!



Thank you Wesley for bring Rhonda, Elijah & Abigail into our lives!




I am truly blessed to have Scott and Wesley as my sons, and next up is the great blessing I never dreamed I would have, a daughter, Catherine, you’re next sweetheart!!!




the pilgrim



My Prayer:  Thank You Father for giving me such a wonderful family to love and be loved by.  Family is one of your very greatest gifts to us.  Thank you for loving us so much. Amen

12 Responses

  1. Gary Pinholster says:

    I really enjoyed reading about your sons Scott and Wes … look forward to your daughter’s post. Enjoyed the photos too.

  2. the pilgrim says:

    Thanks Gary they are among my favorite subjects!

  3. Wesley Fortney says:

    Thank you Dad for the adventure of a lifetime! Take solice that I get a little bit of payback each day for the gray hairs I’ve put on you. Most of all thank you and Mom for your unwavering support and love for me, my lovely and amazing wife and children.

  4. Gary Pinholster says:

    Wow! So great to see fathers and sons that love and respect each other. And Wes, you will be earning your own “gray hairs” one day too! 🙂

  5. Catherine says:

    Awesome blog entry Dad! We have an exceptional family because of you & Mom. These pics show just how fortunate we’ve been as your children to share in so many wonderful adventures…thank you for being a shining example of a father, husband, brother & friend.

    • the pilgrim says:

      I’m truly humbled by that description! We a know it was 90% your Mom, but it has been great to be a part of this wonderful family, your next Skeeter!

  6. Casey says:

    So glad I can call Wesley friend! Wonderful blog for a wonderful man. Good job mom and dad!

  7. Scott says:

    My brother Wes is my younger brother but he has taught me so much over the years. He has served as an example of how friendship and generosity should be a priority to all. I admire you, brother, for simply being you. Of course we are family but I am proud to call you my friend- I think anybody would be so proud. Thank you for all the adventures and laughs that we have known.