Target rich environment!

9 years, 11 months ago 5


Today Jack and I scouted the Portland Gardens for the group.  The light was pretty bad, but this is the second most target rich environment I have ever worked!  Old Old Car City has more to shoot, but this place is gorgeous!  We will definitely take the group here!  I found myself quickly back in the zone and I can’t wait to share this location with our students.


Here is some of today’s take (in bad light!!!!!)










Jack really knows this area, I’m excited to share this region with his attendees, (well our attendees!)  Stay tuned!




the pilgrim


One more……


5 Responses

  1. Jack Graham says:

    What an honor to have Bill as my co-leader here on these workshops… If it we not for Bill, I would not be here doing what I am doing ….thank you my friend!
    Let’s knock em dead the next few days—-JG

  2. the pilgrim says:

    It is my honor Jack, working with a consummate professional like you, and a such dear friend is fantastic, now if I can only survive our schedule!!!!!

    • Tom Roper says:

      I’m looking forward to the workshop in November with you and Jack. This will be my 3rd workshop with Jack and I’m sure not the last!

  3. Johnny Boyd says:

    This is a GREAT place to shoot in the fall. I have a very nice image of the bridge and the fall colors I had printed on aluminum. That small pagoda off to the right of the waterfall shot offers some nice images also.