When others see a shepherd boy – God may see a king

13 years, 1 month ago 1

Shepherd Boy

One by one Jesse’s sons
Stood before the prophet
Their father knew a king
Would soon be found
And each one passed
Except the last
No one thought to call him
Surely he would never
Wear a crown

But when others see a shepherd boy
God may see a king
Even though your life seems filled
With ordinary things
In just a moment He can touch you
And everything will change
When others see a shepherd boy
God may see a king

One by one problems come
And dreams get shattered
And sometimes it’s hard
To understand
But things like chance
And circumstance
They don’t really matter
Our Father holds tomorrow
In His hands


Well it wasn’t the oldest
It wasn’t the strongest
Chosen on that day
And yet the giants fell
And nations trembled
When they stood in his way


This is one of my favorite songs, because it highlights a wonderful characteristic of God. God doesn’t see what we see, He sees a great deal more. God also has a plan, and He is fully aware of the timing of His plans. I watched a loved one struggle for months as one opportunity after another passed them by, at times I wondered how much more disappointment they could take. Then just when it seemed the tide would never turn, God poured out an incredible blessing that helped heal all the former hurts. Why did God wait so long? What is time to God? God uses just the right amount of time, every time, after all, He is God……. Sometimes, it takes time for His plans to be worked out.

The next time you wonder if God is really there, thank Him for what He is doing that you may not understand. You can rest in the knowledge that though it may be tough today, and maybe even tomorrow, your Heavenly Father will not wait forever to bring the blessings. You can trust that His timing is perfect.

Faith is knowing that God is in control, so when you think you have been sentenced to being a shepherd boy, God may see a king……..

the pilgrim

* Shepherd Boy by Ray Boltz can be downloaded form iTunes.

*Photo Note: Nikon F100, 80-200 AF f 2.8 lens, Velvia film, scanned and run through Topaz filters.

* Health Note: Wednesday weight in up one pound. Back to work, keep praying! 30 pounds to go, down 24 now.

One Response

  1. eric benison says:

    Hi never heard this song before but when i did 100 pounds fell off of my chest and tears rolled down my face. I am a Minister and the persons that hurt me the most are the church people,The Pastor who did not teach me anything,I was asked by a couple to marry them and asked my pastor how and he said get a book and read it,well i did and 20 years ago that couple is still married.well on this Day after preaching my pastor stood up in front of the church and my family with my children and said you will never be a baptist preacher!My heart fell in my hands.Well over the years his daughter and i have gotten a divorce and i have visited several churches,my boy’s are strong and doing ok because of my teaching and the guidance of the Holy Sprit.Well the pastor was setting the church up for his son and his son did get the church;but i never had those motives to take over his church but i did have my degree and was a police Officer and took care of my family and his son well i’ll leave it at that! Well 20 some odd years later i am still going through the same things with pastors not wanting to teach or hindering me to move in the ministery.I got my masters now and still Love the Lord,retired as a police officer and trying to move into a position that God has for Me.This Song Moved me to the point that i dont Worrie Now,I dont Worrie Now,even if the one’s in the church,pastors treat me like a shepherd,I know that God see’s a King in ME.THANKS and Love This song!!! YES GOD SEE’S A KING!!!!