Milestones & Promises…….

2 years, 2 months ago 9
Posted in: blog


On February the 9th I turned 76.  I’m feeling a lot like this old truck grill, rode hard, put up wet and rusting!  But, I’m still here, and as long as I am, committed to keep on doing my Father’s work!  What does that mean?  Yesterday I went onto Scott Kelby’s Blog and searched for the few times I have posted a blog entry for him on Guest Wednesdays, about 7 years ago, I think. It was a very pleasant experience and remided me of something I had forgotten.  Each time I was given the opportunity to blog for Scott, a real honor I might add, I used the opportunity to share things more spiritual than photographic.  One particular blog entry I gave my testimony about my cancer experience and how God used it as a life changing turning point in my life.  It recieved an enormous number of comments, far more than usual for his blog spot.  One comment that was made over and over was how thankful they were that I shared such a deep personal story with them, and how thankful they were that Scott had the “courage” to post something so spiritual!


I found it then and again now, to be a strange comment, while I appreciate the kind words I wonder why in our society we find it so unusal that someone would share something of a deep spiritual nature.  It actually makes me sad that people see it as something very unusual.  When God uses tough cirumstances to get our attention  and completely change our mind and heart I think that it is critical to share it, we all need to know that God loves us that much and  is willing to to anything He needs to do, to bring us closer to Him!


In matters of God’s love and relationship with us, I can’t keep my mouth shut!  It’s not bravery, it’s the compelling desire to honor and praise Him for His emmence love for us.  It is nice of people to say thank you for my sharing those things, but the real thanks goes to our Heavenly Father who changes lives, I just share!


For forty one years,  I’ve thanked God everyday that He allowed me to live long enough to see all my children grown and on their own, and to see 6 grandchildren come into the world and have time with them to get to be a grandfather.


No honor or award I have ever recieved, or praise from my fellow photogaphers is even comparable to seeing dear friends accept Christ and know thay are now secure in God’s arms for eternity.


I may be older and my beard may be white, but the love I have for my Savior burns stronger and more intense than ever before.  Rust and all,  I will serve Him all the rest of my days.





the pilgrim

9 Responses

  1. Bill, another wonderful blog. It’s interesting that we have had many of the same experiences in life. My BD is Feb 8th and you are one year older than I am. I too have had cancer and it does certainly change you and makes you take deep introspection of your life. God has always been with me on my journey and I love him. Unfortunately there were more times than I care to remember when I didn’t follow his will. But he continued to love me and guide me. God bless you and your family.

  2. Bill Fortney says:

    Knowing you, I bet you are staying closer to him than you think, you’re a good man Dave!
    I miss seeing you!

  3. Wayne Bennett Jr says:

    A late Happy Birthday Bill!

    Wayne Bennett Jr.(Arkansas)

  4. Bill, Your example of solid faith and works is what makes it obvious to strive to make your Heart like David’s everyday. Since you know that example, and know Christ both in the word and your heart…you have a leg up on even David. Thank you for being a rock of faith, and inspiration to my work. In a world where photography, and attempts profit from it, can take you down many dubious roads, you pointed the way for me to stay on track and true to who I am and God’s calls me to be. I know I am not the only one so influenced. For this I know you took God’s love and wisdom and passed it on from on generation the next and the next.

  5. David W says:

    A belated Happy Birthday, Bill and Dave. I pray you have many more annual celebrations.

  6. admin says:

    Thanks you David!