The Value of Faith…….

1 year, 2 months ago 21
Posted in: blog


On Monday the 8th of May I’m having a medical procedure to place a new valve in my heart.  It is quite miraculous how this will be done.  Years ago I did a lot of medical photographs including a number of surgical procedures.  I’ve photographed the conventional way of replacing a heart valve which is very interesting and invasive.  The surgeon and team would open the chest remove a couple of ribs, then the vascular system is hooked up to a pump system that acts as the heart for the patient, then the heart is stopped and a new valve is surgically placed, the heart is sewn up, and then restarted so the pump can be removed.  This is a long and precise process.  The recovery takes time and eventually the patient enjoys a better life with a properly functioning heart. (* Note to medical folks whom may read this, this is my very rudimentary understanding of what I photographed!  Be kind, I’m not a doctor!)


The procedure I will be having is not nearly as invasive, it’s called a TAVR.  In it they will go though my femoral arteries in the groin much like in a heart cath and will then insert a new valve in the aortic valve and inflate it.  The procedure takes about 45 minutes and most patient go home the next day!  Pretty miraculous!  Are there risks, sure, you undergo general anesthesia which has risks, the procedure can lead to problems, but the % of patients that die during the procedure is 1%.  I’ll take those odds.


So am I worried?  No, this is the point to the blog entry.  I’m 77 yers old, I’ve already lived past my life expectancy.  When I gave my life to Jesus and my Heavenly Father, I trusted them with every aspect of my life.  If God wants me to come home, all the best doctors in the world can’t keep me here, if he wants me to live to serve Him longer, no one can take my life away from Him, He is in charge.  I don’t like going to the hospital and being treated for anything, but I trust Him.  If I have a very successful procedure I should feel better and have a better quality of life for how ever long God keeps me here, if I die the table, I’ll be home with my Lord and so many loved ones I have lost that are there with Him, I can’t loose either way.


Remember we are in this world, not of it, we can’t get too attached to things of this world, our real home, if we have trusted in Him, is not here.  That is why years ago when I started the blog I chose to call my self the Pilgrim, I’m just passing through this land!  I hope to write another blog entry next week when I return home, but as I end every prayer, Father, may Your will be done.


I pray you be blessed,



the  pilgrim

21 Responses

  1. Rick says:

    The Lord is my strength and my shield;
    my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.
    My heart leaps for joy,
    and with my song I praise him.
    Psalm 28:7

  2. Eric Wojtkun says:

    My friend my prayers start now for you! As always your words are timely, and the Holy Spirit is active right now. I was at church this morning at 5AM for adoration, and a friend praying for a number of family miracles came up and just told me she knows God Loves Me, and she was praying for me. Like your words now, her words hit me as a note from God. So I will pass on whatever grace from prayers I received, and hand them to you for your return to full health. Is it not God’s command to take his love, receive it, give thanks for it and pass it on?
    Frankly this is how you are now…and a why you are a good role model.
    God Bless. Can’t wait to see what you photograph on Wed for us to see!

  3. Dennis Mook says:

    Bill, you are in my daily prayers. That said, I am sure our Heavenly Father will have his faithful servant and pilgrim, as well as the surgeons, in his care and under his watchful eye.

  4. Bill Fortney says:

    Thank you Dennis, I feel confident in that!

  5. David Berry says:

    Praying for a speedy recovery Bill!
    Better days ahead my friend- God Bless!

  6. Bill+Fortney says:

    I hope to feel better so I can be more effective for Him, it;s all in His hands!

  7. Jack Graham says:

    You are in good hands both with your doctor as well as with THE DOCTOR for all of us who’s looking after us every second of every day.

    I have no doubt that by the middle ..toward the end of next week… when I drive up to Corbin we’ll be as we always are…sharing and discussing things … and probably complaining about some stuff we have no right to complain about!.

    Know that Linda and I are praying for you and know you’ll be so much better so…… as you always remind me “God’s Got It”!!!!!
    Love ya man—JG

    • admin says:

      Thanks jack, God does have it, He has it all! Look forward to seeing you late in the week!

  8. John L Gompf says:


    Our prayers are with you. I am sure God will want you to continue his good work here on earth. You have made a difference in so many lives, including mine.

    Bless you,


  9. Rodney McKnight says:

    God is good all the time. And all the time, God is good! And the blessing is that you know that. You are always in my prayers Bill, but today and tonight I’ll add a specific note! Looking forward to hearing from you when you get home! Love you my friend!

    • admin says:

      You too Rodney, isn’t it great how much our time in the field translates to such a close relationship and shared faith! We’ve all been truly blessed!
      Thanks you for your prayers, as has been said before, God has this!

  10. Brad Mikel says:

    I’ll offer special prayers for you at Mass today my friend. God bless you in all that you do, and as they say, ‘He’s got your back’.

  11. Wayne Bennett Jr says:

    Good luck Bill on your upcoming surgery!

  12. Carl says:

    Nailed it!!

  13. Mark says:

    Well said and prayers sent your way.

  14. God be with you Bill. You’re in good hands. Praying for your full recovery.

  15. Walter Willis says:

    Still praying, Bill.