The Fall That Almost Was………

8 months, 4 weeks ago 3
Posted in: blog



I do blog entires for a lot of reason; inspiration, spiritual growth, technical advice, equipment reviews, but ever once in a while I try to talk about dealing with the disappointments that occur from being a nature/landscape photographer!  As you all know we need four things to make a great image: a definable subject, great light for that subject, the right conditions and a well composed image!


We’ve all come upon a situation where you have a great subject with great light…… but the conditions are just not there!  Fall foliage photography is one of the most “condition dependent” of all kinds of nature/landscape shooting!  If the color is great that’s wonderful,  if it is not, then you’re sorta dead in the water!  There is another problem! If you have been shooting landscape images all over the U.S. or world for that matter, then you’ve undoubtadly seen some knock down gorgeous fall color!  If you have, you get rather picky about what get’s your juices flowing.  Someone said to me the other day in the area where I live, in Southern Kentucky, isn’t the color beautiful!? I was kind and said yes, but in my opinion this fall in our area was pretty disappointing, but this person has not seen what I’ve seen so why burst their bubble!


I did a little shooting this fall around our area and in the Smokies, but I’ve seen better conditions!  The older you get the harder it is to say, “well there’s always next fall!!!!!”  Thought I would share a few of my favorites!  The bottom line, don’t get discouraged and do the best you can with what you get!!!!


Tremont branch for the Wooden Bridge.


Great Smokies on Tremont Branch of the Little River


Old church near Seymour, TN.


Here are several around the Corbin area on the last day of ok color.



So not great but still a lot of fun the be out in nature and shooting for fun!




the pilgrim



3 Responses

  1. Carl says:

    BIG disappointment for me. One lives 350 days a year for fall color so they can capture what is not available any other time of the year. Then, years like this, the color turns brown from draught, or whatever, and it feels like a wasted year. So we gather up our faith – and expectantly wait another 350 days!

  2. Jack Graham says:

    ….BUT—we had a good day out in God’s beauty!–JG

  3. Fave Jenkins says:

    I envy the photo of the color through the church window!
    I live in Knoxville now, and we had some decent color in the area, but it didn’t last long and I couldn’t get out because of my wife’s health problems. Disappointing.