Color Your Weekend

4 months, 3 weeks ago 4
Posted in: blog




One of the features I love about the Fujifilm cameras is the film simulations. I recently shot some colored pencils and used several different simulations.  The one above is the standard (Provia).  I like the nice neutral colors and the saturation.



By contrast, in this shot I used Classic Negative, I like it also!  Below was Classic Chrome and it dow resemble the old Kodachrome 64 colors.  The colors are more muted, but pleasant and evoke that old slide film look from days past!



Color is personal in nature, we like what we like and it’s all good!  I hope your weekend is filled with the colors of your choice!  Or maybe no color at all, (Monochrome)!



Be blessed!


the pilgrim


Technical data:  All images with the X-T5, Fujifilm XF 60mm Macro @ f 5.6 and 2.2 seconds – ISO 2  All images jpegs.

4 Responses

  1. Walter Willis says:

    Had no idea you could do this. (Situation normal for me 🙂 ). Thanks Bill!