A weekend of being thankful……..

2 months, 3 weeks ago 4
Posted in: blog


I’ve been on a journey for some time now to try to be thankful, thankful all the time, and for every circumstance!  Some days nothing special happens but I’m still thankful, sometimes something extremely important happens and I’m very thankful!


Thursday afternoon I needed to drive over to our Lowe’s to get a gallon of deck stain for a project we’re doing at home.  Leaving our subdivision you come to a traffic light where I go straight through to our local bank, which I needed to do before heading on to Lowe’s.  You cross the major highway and the traffic is heavy and often moving pretty fast.  At the red traffic light there was a car on the other side of the light signaling a left turn.  I’ve learned that often those people needing to turn left, even though they do not have the right of way,  still shoot out in a hurry and turn left, not waiting for the straight traffic to come through the light.  The light turned green for us, I paused to see what they were gong to do, they paused to see what I was going to do, realizing they were going to observe the law I started to slowly pull forward into the road when a big Lincoln flew through the red-light at about 60 mph.   If I had pulled out as soon as the light tuned green they would have t-boned my car. probably right into my driver side door. and I wouldn’t be here to right this blog entry.  


Someday my number will be up, either my heart will fail, or someone will hit my car or I’ll find out that I have terminal illness, but Thursday was not that day.  I’m thankful, but I’m not worried about that future day.  I know that my life is in God’s hands and it will be the moment I leave this body!  None of us know when that moment will happen, hopefully that time is far away, but we can’t be sure of that!  I only shared this as a reminder that I hope you are good with he Lord, that you’ve trusted him with your life and you can feel the same assurance that I do!


It is a hot, muggy weekend in Corbin, but I’m still here, for now, and I’m thankful!




the pilgrim

4 Responses

  1. Great to have you back Bill. I put my life in God’s hands several years ago. Unfortunately I didn’t do it in my early days and made many, many mistakes. God took care of me even after the foolish mistakes and I can tell you that having God in my life and a real comfort. When he calls me home I’ll be ready and looking forward to being with him.

    God bless you Bill and your family.

  2. John L Gompf Jr says:


    Funny, the same thing happened to me the other day. I was waiting at a light to go straight through an intersection. As I turned to look left before proceeding, a car flew right through the red light. I always look before pulling into an intersection. This is something my son told me about when I moved to South Carolina.