It’s the Journey…..

12 years, 10 months ago 1



“Life is a journey, not a destination.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson.  I’ve actually found that quote attributed to many people including the late Steve Jobs,  Whoever said it, said a mouthful!  It’s easy to see our lives as leading somewhere, and they are, but to forget the moment to moment joy of this life is criminal.  When you make it to your mid 60’s you may have only one advantage over younger folks, you’ve already been there!  As a photographer you get a pleasure that few enjoy in life, you edit your work.  You look at what you shot, and you remember where you were, who you were with, and the joy of those fantastic experiences.


Your life is an opportunity to experience all you can, touch all the lives you can, share the Good News with everyone you come in contact with, through your words and deeds.  When I found this luggage tag I had to place it on one of my bags.  As a reminder to take full advantage of the privilede and honor of being able to be on this journey.  The destination is already arranged for, all there is to do for now, is live out the journey!


the pilgrim

One Response

  1. Howie says:

    WOW!!! “As a photographer you get a pleasure that few enjoy in life, you edit your work. You look at what you shot, and you remember where you were, who you were with, and the joy of those fantastic experiences.” THAT quote is going in my Favorite Quotes collection! Thanks Bill, THAT is powerful!!
