I’m thankful for Color!

12 years, 2 months ago 7

As a photographer my visual life as most often been driven by color.  I shot Black & White for many years, an still enjoy that medium, but color is my first love.  Roaming around looking for color is one of my favorite past times.  Thankfully color is everywhere!  I’ve always loved the photographers whose work screams with color; Jay Maisel, Bryan Peterson, and Jim Begley shoot in your face, killer color.  Freeman Patterson, Christopher Burkett, and Tony Sweet shoot in wonderful shades of subdued but rich hues.  I loved the almost monochromatic, but yet pleasing colors of Ireland in Scott Diussa’s travel class.  All kinds of color, in all kinds of form are fun to shoot.  I admit to having stolen every good idea I’ve ever seen.  When I see a vivid color subject, I’m reminded of how much God loves us, how many incredible colors he placed in our world.


People that have had after life experiences and have been brought back often tell of seeing colors they have never seen before on the other side.  Wow, sure hope we can carry a camera there!  From the rusted cars in Old Car City, to the brilliant hues of the Caribbean, I love color, thank you Lord!


the pilgrim



* All images with a point and shoot camera, I’m traveling with several including the Coolpix P7100 and Coolpix AW100.  Dedicated to Sam Garcia who can get the best images I’ve ever seen from a pocket camera!


7 Responses

  1. Catherine says:

    It is beautiful there…glad you are having a great time! Love you both!

  2. Ian Anderson says:

    Amazing. A world so rich in color. And God gave us such places to play in… Although Black and White can be pretty cool as well. Just saying… 😉

  3. admin says:

    I am making a blanket apology to all my readers. I got a note this morning from a reader that said they really enjoyed coming to the site, but was very , I mean “very” bothered by the spelling mistakes! I work very hard using the spell checker and editing the posts, but often they are done on the fly and I do know that stuff gets past me. Please know that a misspelled word does not take away form my intent to share His word. I do understand that for some it is a terrible distraction, so I will try harder and ask your forgiveness for my lack of spelling skill and typos! In love, the pilgrim

  4. Carl says:

    Ifn a mespeeled wod his ve honlie thang rong wihin u, u r OK ina mise bok!