Coming attractions…..,,.

11 years, 11 months ago 2

Tomorrow I’m headed to Louisville for an early a.m. flight, Wednesday, to Reno, and then the drive down to Bridgeport, California and our Bodie Ghost Town adventure!  I’m really excited to get to shoot Bodie again, but more excited about the great group that will join us there!  Don’t get me wrong I’m more excited than ever about shooting, but it has become the fellowship that means the most to me.  There are two things I know must be practiced, if we expect to get better,  photography, and walking with Him.  If you ever hope to become a great photographers you have to practice and learn from your mistakes.  Same thing with a walk with our Lord.  You must practice, and learn from your mistakes!


Making photographs alone is not much fun for me, and learning this faith walk isn’t either.  I need the encouragement of my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I enjoy encouraging them as well.  Actually that always was the plan He set down for us.  When Jesus was about to return to His Father in Heaven, He sent out His disciples in pairs, He knew they would need each other.  We do too!


the pilgrim

2 Responses

  1. John Walrath says:

    Well put, Have a great time!

  2. Christian says:

    I really enjoyed your post and your confidence to speak out about our father. Are you from Louisville? I am. Check out my site! I have many pics from Louisville.