One Day Out……It’s Adding Up…..

11 years, 10 months ago 2




It’s always interesting to look at spiritual commitments and decisions, one day out.  I shared with you my rather profound Sunday morning, yesterday.  Today I was put to the test.  I ran into one of the most egregious of the characters that have been stirring up trouble in my church.  To be honest I didn’t know who this person was, having never met them face to face, but when I introduced myself , and they spoke their name, with somewhat of sneer on their face, it hit me immediately, wow, one of the culprits!  The shocking thing was my internal reaction, something akinned to “whatever”…..


It wasn’t until this face to face, would be confrontation, that I realized I’ve genuinely let it go. I felt no anger, no desire to let it  go on this person, I actually felt a complete peace and walked away remaining so!   Trust me, only God could have left me with that kind of inner calm.  Prior to my trip to the alter, I would have embarrassed myself.  I share this because I desire for everyone to feel the peace that comes from trusting Him to fight our battles.  Am I still unhappy with the behavior of these people, you bet, but then I’m sure I’ve made a good number of folks unhappy as well.  It is a good example of the old story of , “let he who is without sin, throw the first stone.”  Look maw, no stones in my hands!


If I still felt that I needed to take some action and “right the wrongs”,  I would be admitting that I don’t think God can handle it, not a chance!  I believe He has it all in His capable hands, and out of mine, where it  should be!


the pilgrim



O.K. I admit iet, that was a pretty awful photographic pun!

2 Responses

  1. Carl says:

    You know, sometimes the pain is self inflicted – but other times, I think God lets us feel how He feels when “The Church” suffers. Paul calls it “suffering with Christ” and he talks about it a lot. Asking forgiveness for ourselves of any judgmental spirit causes the pain to lessen – but Christ suffers when his bride is attacked! It is shame on “carnal” Christians for attacking individuals in the church – they really are attacking “His Bride” and therefore, Christ Himself!!