An accountability partner

11 years, 7 months ago 2

The other day I wrote a piece based on Dr. Charles Stanley’s In Touch Daily Devotional on accountability. Today’s devotional was a valuable lesson on what characteristics we should seek in a partner or exhibit ourselves if we are asked to serve in that capacity for a brother or sister in Christ.  I think this is too valuable not to repeat, so thanks Charles for the words of wisdom!


An accountability partner is able to perceive what we can’t see when blind spots and weaknesses block our vision. Such a person serves as a tool in God’s hand to promote spiritual growth, and he or she watches out for our best interest. When choosing this type of confidant, look for these characteristics:


1. Godly. A person who walks in the Spirit will offer genuine wisdom based on biblical principles rather than personal opinion.


2. Trustworthy. No matter what you share with this individual, you must be certain that he or she will keep everything in the strictest confidence.


3. Accepting. He or she must allow you to be yourself–frailties and all–and not try to remake you into someone “perfect.”


4. Courageous. A good accountability partner will lovingly confront you with the truth, even when it hurts (Eph. 4:15).


5. Forgiving. When you make mistakes, trust is built through mutual forgiveness.


6. Edifying. Don’t choose someone with an overly critical attitude that will make you feel worthless. Love edifies and builds up (Eph. 4:29). It never destroys.


7. Encouraging. You don’t want someone with a checklist, who judges or acts like a prophet. Instead, choose someone who takes great joy in encouraging you.


We all can benefit from someone who is able to say what we need to hear without making us feel threatened. Answerability provides checks and balances that promote spiritual growth and protect us from pitfalls. If you don’t already have an accountability partner, pray for that person today.


I want to serve my Heavenly Father in any way He desires me to serve, I know part of His desire for me is that I be accountable to my close brothers and sisters in Christ and to be willing to do t he same for them if asked.  This is not something I could ever do in my own strength and wisdom, only god could provide these characteristics that I might serve another.  It is wise to seek god to build you up to the task of being His servant in this way.


I pray that we will all have enough wisdom to know that the ultimate wisdom, and power comes from Him!




the pilgrim

2 Responses

  1. Joshua Puccio says:

    I’m trying to learn photography through kelbytraining and books from the library. When Scott mentioned your name as a great photographer I looked up your website. I was pleasantly surprised. Sharing your faith in Christ on your website is inspiring and encouraging. Thank you for sharing what you learned on accountability. This is an area I have avoided as a Christian for to long. Trying to do it my way, by my self, and just making a huge mess of my life. One thing that hit me as I read this article was I want to be the kind of Christian that my wife would desire me to be her accountability partner. That was very sobering, because right now she is afraid to share her heart. So many time I have longed for the opportunity to sit on Jesus’s lap and let Him hold me in His arms and tell me everything is going to be ok, He is in control and leading the way. That is the kind of accountability partner I want to be for my wife.

    • admin says:

      Your heart is set straight on His path, that is exactly how he would want you to relate to your wife and partner, good for you!