Do it while you can…..

11 years, 5 months ago 4

The old building above is one of my favorite subjects.  It was an old building in an abandoned mining camp in Harlan,  Kentucky.  I’ve been to this location several times and enjoyed photographing the old buildings, and rusting mining equipment.  The last time I went back to Harlan, I discovered that this building had collapsed and was nothing but a pile of ruble.  As photographers, we learn to never pass up a shot, because you never know if your subject will still be there later, when you return!


As we enter the Christmas season take the time to do some things while you still can!  Here are some suggestions:


1.  Take time to visit with family and ask your parents and grandparents to tell you about the people you do not recognize in the old family albums.  Learn all you can about your ancestors, and pass it on to your children and grandchildren.


2.  Find and old family recipe and prepare it together with your children and grandchildren.  Share what you remember about the loved one that passed down that recipe!


3.  Attend a candle light church service and sing old traditional Christmas hymns and Carols.  Before you go home, seek out some of the older members, and share with them how much appreciate all their kind acts to you through the years.


4.  Watch an up-lifitng film with your family like; “It’s A Wonderful Life” or “A Christmas Carol”.


5.  Take a meal to someone that is a shut in, and visit with them, allowing them to share about their family and Christmas’ past.


6.  Find a time to sit by the fire place alone and read the 2nd Chapter of Luke, and dwell on the true meaning of Christmas.


7.  Sit in the floor and read Christmas stories to your children or grandchildren.



8.  Help your local church or charity put together Christmas baskets, and then help deliver them.



Take time to find the Joy that is this season!


In Him,


the pilgrim

4 Responses

  1. diane says:

    What a great Christmas list! I’m printing to hang on my fridge as a reminder of the important things of the season. Thank you for putting forth the time for a wonderful blog. It blesses my day often. 🙂

  2. […] for the first time. But no matter which group you fall into, this is a list that means Christmas. Click here to read Bill’s list. Then pick one of the items on that list (you can do more), but make sure you choose at least one. […]

  3. Eunice says:

    Beautiful post just wish I could re-blog to get others to see the life we know
    Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to come