Resolutions……roar like a bear!!!!

11 years, 4 months ago 8


It is a part of the New Year to make resolutions, we all have made a 1,000, and broken 900 of them, so this year I’m “resolved to”….(like that?), make better resolutions!  I want to make resolutions that matter and don’t set me up for failure.


Here  is my list to start today:


1.  Get healthy.  Be more active, trim off some pounds, take better care of myself.  Rest more, (I love naps)!!!, and generally keep God’s temple in better repair so I can be a faithful servant for Him!


2. Make it a goal to brighten everyone’s day I come in contact with!  I generally do this,but I’ve noticed that sometimes I get my mind focused on other things, or get perturbed by something, and others don’t get my best!  I’m going to really try to be more aware of my outward projection of His love!


3. Learn something new everyday!  I am planning to read the Bible from front to back in a year, take some online classes from some of the folks I admire so much at Kelby Training, and work hard to improve my performance with various software programs I need to be better at using!


4. Spend more time on my knees.  I want to set more time aside to wait quietly and humbly before the Lord, and listen to His instructions, and then pray for the strength to accomplish the tasks He will give me!


5.  Love Sherelene the way Christ loved the church.  Listen to her, and study the ways I can make her life better.  Support her, cherish her, and help her be the woman God is calling her to be.


6.  I vow to never be too busy for any of the little ones in my life.  To stop what I’m doing, clear my mind, and listen to them, and hug them every day we are together!  I have few other more important duties!


7.  Strive for excellence in all I do.  I want this to be a year of great improvement in my relationship with God, my family, and all the other people that I care so much about.  I also want to take my photography and my photography teaching to the next level!


8.  I want to be more thankful.  I have so very much to be thankful for, I want to constantly remind myself of that, and live like a man that knows how blessed he truly is!!!


9.  Start producing the dozens of eBooks that are flying around in my head and want out!


10.  Remember my favorite quote everyday!   “I know to irrefutable facts, there is a God, and I’m not Him!”


Tomorrow a photography lesson, that I promise, will make you a much better shooter!!!!


Happy New Year!


the pilgrim


Yes, if I can do all that,  I’ll be that roaring bear!


8 Responses

  1. Dave says:

    While your goals are good ones, from a Quality Manager’s perspective they lack measurable “action” 1. …”Trim off SOME pounds…” When you get on the scale in 2014 what will it say? 2. How? Smile, greeting, Contact (handshake). Ask their name and remember it, write it down when you get home. 3. What, when? 4. Each morning, each evening? A specific time?(from 11:30 til….)” 5. You’re on your own here…but find a way to measure it and track your own improvement. 6. See #5 7. What is the next level? How will you know when you are there? 8. What are you thankful for? A specific item every day.

    It was the scientist Lord Kelvin who said, “When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the stage of science.” Later, this statement was abbreviated to “if you can measure it, you can manage it,” and “if you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it.”

    • admin says:

      Thanks so much for taking the time to offer these helpful suggestions! Also thanks for coming to the blog and visiting with me! #2. I’m smiling, greeting you, and if you were standing in front of me would give you a big hug! I do know your name and I will remember it for sure!!! Hey, just having fun with you, thanks again for caring enough to make some really good observations, I really am smiling, just a type B!!

      One last serious point, the most meaningful thing in my life “can’t be measured”, God’s Love, and I sure am not going to try and manage Him!


      the pilgrim

      • Elizabete says:

        , I only partly agree. You can have feaobcok ,not having 852 friends and only have 4, when you are not in the same city/country or(in the future)planet some social network media like feaobcok let you share their thoughts/doubts/recent life in a more convenient and interactive way. Well, this is not to say I am a fun of feaobcok just don’t like the idea of a thing must be black or white, angel or evil everything can be good or bad, depends on how you use them.I also always think why people need new year resolusions? Because they have to spend several months sitting there procrastinating before starting a new plan in the new year?

  2. Jon says:

    Bill – great resolutions! May the Lord help us all to grow in love and closeness to Him and others! Dave – also good post – if someone puts those suggestions / measurements into practice – one is definitely able to measure progress – and the resolution would be for progress.

    Bill – this won’t help with your first resolution of getting healthy, but it will sure help you with your eighth resolution – being thankful! I recently ate at a burger and whiskey bar named “Winghart’s” and thought of you. Their burgers are great! I think that’s the best burger I’ve ever eaten – although that would mean a lot more coming from you since you’ve tried so many more. So, if you’re ever in Pittsburgh, hit that place up and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!

    Take care, brother – and God bless you and all of the readers of your blog!

  3. Ken Cave says:

    Thanks for sharing your list. Gave me a few things to think about.

    • admin says:

      Your welcome!

    • Liloka says:

      Know the feeling, 2012 what a rceolrloaster ride it has been (with really big ups and downs). Balance is something I always have to work out but for me, the catch word for 2013 will be consistency across the spectrum of life.Happy New Year & a cat in each hand would be balance