Chapter One…..

11 years, 3 months ago 5

Day one in the Super Dome, doesn’t look “Super” to  you???  Well this is usually what our facilities look like, somewhere under the stands, the pipes, and heating ducts!  Such is the life of a lowly tech rep!  Oh whoa is me!!  O.K. just having fun with you!!  No that really is our room, but hey, it’s not and Afghan prison!  Before the day was out we had all our equipment cases and started to get things organized, I’ll show you that tomorrow after we put the finishing touches on it.  After the work was done we went back to our hotel to pick up some cases that had not been delivered.  We stopped in the French Quarter for some lunch and I did the first attempt at my DSLR vs Compact Camera Shoot-out.  Today it was the compact cameras turn!   In the restaurant we had some nice opportunities and the quiet small camera served it’s function well and did not attract attention to itself!  The shot below of a young lady using her camera was easy to make and she was never aware that she had been captured.



This image below was little different, this young lady offered Brien and I a sample of some Praline and I just had to ask if I could take a photograph of her, said, “I love your hair can I make picture of you??!!”  She said sure and then posed for me!  My little unassuming camera didn’t cause any problems at all, she was off guard and natural and I think the image bares that out!



The images below were a piece of cake with the small camera;



I’ll let you be the judge, but I think the little fellow, did right well on it’s first time out!




the pilgrim

5 Responses

  1. Susan in Columbus says:

    Really enjoying the step-by-step view of NPS doing a major event!

    • admin says:

      Check today’s blog entry, you can see our complete set-up, sure wish you were coming to Old Car City!!!

  2. Sherry in MT says:

    Indeed the pos did well, the only trouble I have is not having a viewfinder and if the light is just right I can’t see what I’m taking a picture of. Other than that I do like my little guy to take out and about for photos and not haul the big slr around.

    • admin says:

      I’m really starting to like the idea of a very small bag with a great compact camera, and minimal stuff for travel and when I just don’t want to haul the big bag… age is telling on me!

  3. Melanie says:

    Love the pictures and the daily blog of the Super Bowl. What kind of compact camera did you use?