The Color of Life

11 years, 1 month ago 6

Color that knocks you socks off!  That’s what we are experiencing at Old Car City, and that is what I’m experiencing in my life!!  The joy of doing something you love, with people you love, making news friends, and enjoying the company of old ones!  Yes this is another entry about thankfulness!  While the workshop is going great, my life inHim is going even  better…..


Serving the Lord is not a drudgery, but a life giving, life infusing adventure.  When we week to hold Him above ourselves, the rewards are peace and joy beyond imagination.


Take a few moments everyday to count your countless blessings, I sure am…….




the pilgrim

6 Responses

  1. Ian Anderson says:

    Amazing what one can find in the most unusual places. Faith is like that as well.

  2. Love the color in this photo. Life with the Lord is not just black and white – it’s full living color. Missing being with you and everyone else but look forward to the next time and hope it’s soon.

  3. Joshua Boldt says:

    Thank you for the wise words.