Old Car City 2014

10 years, 3 months ago 4

The 2014 Old Car City Workshop is March 12-16  and the price from this workshop has been reduced to $599. from the original fee of $799.  This has been one of our most well attended workshops in the past and it a great place to work on you fine art composition work.  Old Car City is the largest old car junkyard in America, 36 acres, over 4,000 rusting cars and trucks.   We work on full cars, sections of cars, tail fins, hood ornaments, and rusting glorious colors of peeling paint, and weathered finishes!!


This workshop will be led by Jim Begley and myself and we are staying this year at the beautiful Hilton Garden Inn,  in next door Cartersville, GA.  We still have space so please contact me by email if you would like information or might want to attend!  billfortney @earthlink.net  You’ll never again see a His Light Workshop at this kind of bargain price!


Here are some of the kinds of images we will be working on, plus HDR workshop and digital filters with NIK and Topaz covered in the classroom, lots of critique sessions and great fellowship!  Hope you can join us!





the pilgrim


4 Responses

  1. Anna says:

    This is one I really wanted to do. Oh how I do not like my job. “Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything…” Have a good time there. 🙂

  2. admin says:

    We will and we will miss you, but maybe next time!!??

  3. Dina Dembicki says:

    Hi Bill, thanks so much for sharing your skills and talent! Love, love, love your stuff, it just blows me away every time I see it. Couple questions about the Old Car City event: How much time is spent shooting vs. classroom? Does the fee include the hotel or is that extra? Feel free to email me offline if you prefer. Thanks–Dina