Why is everything locked, and barricaded?

10 years, 2 months ago 11


Over the last few days the Holy Spirit has been speaking to my heart with a powerful message that I would like to share with you.  It all started when Sherelene, accidentally left her small carry on bag in the seat back pocket on the plane when we arrived in St Croix.  It contained her iPhone and iPad!  As soon as we discovered it was missing we figured out where she had it last and started contacting U.S.  Air.  My dear brother Jim Haverstock has been helping us back on the main land, but so far we have heard nothing from anyone at U.S. Air.  Sherelene and I have discussed the likely scenario of her electronic devices but one option always comes back, someone found them and simply said, oh goody, new stuff for me!  We hope they are being held for her by U.S. Air!


The second thing that spoke to me was how many buildings I’ve photographed on the island with heavy iron bars and serious locks protecting the contents of the buildings.  My attitude about the lost items and the caution of the Islanders with old buildings leads to one conclusion; we simply don’t trust our fellow man!


Why?  Well husband hurt wives, wives hurt husbands!  Parents hurt children, and children hurt parents, companies hurt employees, and employees hurt companies!   People, this was never God’s plan.  He said; “Love others as you love yourself”  –  “husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church”  –  “Honor you father and mother”  –  “Children respect and honor your parents.”  –  “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”   –  “Wives honor your husbands.”  –  “Give a full and honest days work to your masters (employers)”  –   “Masters (companies) respect and treat your slaves (employees) well.”   The Holy Scripture is filled with examples of how we are to treat one another.  Problem is that many of us don’t do as God told us to do, and therefore we know we can’t trust each other!  What a sad state of affairs!


Can this ever change?  It can with you and me!  We can determine to obey God and be that person we wish others would be.  Would that fix anything?  Yes, it would fix us, and that is what God wants, let Him worry about the other guy!!!!


Give it some thought…..   and now some more shots from St Croix.



Love this shot, it so speaks to this entry!!!!



Father, please help me to not be that person that can not be trusted.  Help me treat others with the same integrity that I would have them apply to me!  Help me to place my heart on you and seek your ways which are so much higher than mine.  Father help me forgive those that have hurt me, and remember what Your Son said on the cross, to forgive those that had placed Him there for they did not now what they were doing!   Amen


Tomorrow the last entry of the week, more St. Croix color!


X-T1 update:  I simply love it,  I will add the battery grip and eventually will get a second, it will be my go to camera until they come out wiht something even better, which is hard to imagine!!!  The more I shoot these Fujinon lenses the more impressed I am!  Will I get rid of my X-E2 and X100s?  I will definitely keep the X100s, I use it for different kind of work, and i may just keep the X-E2 as well, and the X-Pro-1 stays in my gear closet until the X-Pro-2 comes along, in spite of the fact that it is now my oldest, (technology wise),  Fuji camera, I still love it!!!!


Lastly, thanks to all my friends that have prayed for Sherelene and I on our trip, your prayers were answered in spades, we have had a great, relaxing, wonderful, anniversary celebration, it was 44 years as of Valentines’s Day!


I plan to do a full review of X-T1 settings early next week for all those folks that have a new one in their bag!!!!




the pilgrim

11 Responses

  1. Carl says:

    You are SO right. From Gen 1:1 to Rev 22:21, God tells/reveals that man is basically evil. Better forget what Oprah says and keep in mind what God says! It is our responsibility to overcome evil with good – to allow God to so work in us that we become “conformed into the image of Jesus Christ”.

    Lord, we pray in the name of Jesus for the return of the possessions that have been taken from Bill and Sherelene – and we ask for an apology for the taking of such. These are Your possessions and as caretakers we ask for Your help in their recovery. Amen

    • admin says:

      As much as i hope to get the “possessions” back, i want my heart returned to Him, to know I can rely on Him and will offer a hand of love instead suspicion to the world! Thanks Carl, I’m ready for our class!

  2. Anna says:

    Have you used find my iphone/ipad. I use it all the time… In my house. Also, I try myself to figure out why other people act as they do. By no means am I saying I’m not a sinner as we all are. I heard in a song “save your strength for things that you can change. Forgive the ones you can’t. You’ve got to let it go.” I try to keep that in my mind. As well as many scriptures. I can only control myself and can hope I’m a good example towards others. Praying for your safe return home and that honestly found the lost items.

  3. david starling says:

    Thanks Bill, you are a blessing.

  4. the pilgrim says:

    Thank you David, but He’s the blessing I’m just a servant!

  5. jun says:

    very impressive for your photos!!! The picture’s structure, color and elements are perfect!

    • admin says:

      Thanks Jun, perfect may not be completely accurate, but I’m working hard to tighten up my elements, so thank you for noticing!

  6. Sam Britton says:

    Bill, would you mind sharing where you stayed on St. Croix? Thank you for everything you shoot and write.

    • the pilgrim says:

      Sure, the Marriott Carambola Resort &Spa on the North side of the Island, if you decide To go let me know and I can give you a heads up on laces to shoot and great food! Food recommendations from my wife, sadly I’ve eaten very little for three weeks, I’ve lost 21 pounds! Result of major oral surgery!

  7. Sam Britton says:

    Thank you so much, Bill. For those of us who could stand to lose 21 lbs, it’s great to hear of your success. However, the means by which it occurred is not to pleasant. I pray you’re mending. I may take you up on your willingness to share your findings. GBWY