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3 years, 5 months ago 8
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Let’s face it, sometimes money is tight and we can’t afford everything we would like to buy!  Pretend you are a wanting to get into photography but the cost of the gear is daunting.  You want a really good camera and enough sharp lenses to do really good work, but how can you make that happen!!??


You all know that I have a lot of gear, actually far more than I need, but I really believe I could do 95% of everything I do with a very simple set-up and I think you could too!


The Fujifilm X-S10 with the 16-80 zoom lens goes for $1,499.  The Fujifilm X-S10 is one incredible cmaera value, wiht the same sensor and processor that’s in the flagship X-T4 plus very effective IBIS.  It’s very small and well built, and it has quickly become one of my very favorite Fujifilm bodies.The 16-80 is simply the finest medium range zoom I’ve ever shot and in my 51 years of shooting I have owned and shot a lot of them!  It’s effective foacl ength on the X-S10 is 24mm to 120mm a great range for almost all your work and it focused very close for those tight shots we all enjoy making.  I wouldn’t expect you to take my word for it so here are a few of my favorite shots made with it!



Now, the 55-200 f 3.5-4.8 LM OIS was the first long telephoto zoom lens that Fujifilm released and for quite a while it helped me make a lot of amazing images!  It is tack sharp and a very managble size, when I go back and review images made with it I’m amazed and I wonder why I ever wanted anything better!  I hope you agree!




You can buy this lens new for $599. and lots of good used ones are available for around $300. to $350.


So for around or less than $2,000. you can have a great little system to do incredible work, 4K video and it won’t break your back carrying it around or break the bank either!!!!




the pilgrim


By-the-way, went drone flying this morning amd revisted two favorite locations; Cumberland Falls State Park and the stack of canoes close by!





The 2021 Workshop Schedule
3 years, 5 months ago Comments Off on The 2021 Workshop Schedule
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Well it’s time to get back in the field and enjoy some great fellowship and photography!  With an effective vaccine on the way I think we can re-engage with the world with a lot less fear!  The following five workshops are with Jack Graham and I.  Please contat jack at:

For further detils and registation!



I’m pleased to be joining Kirk Williamson, (check out his great videos on Youtube) for a Lighthouse tour up the southern to mid coast of Maine in June.

Some of the most pictureaque lighthouses and fishing villages are stretched up Maine’s coast and we will explore them together.  Go to    for further details!!!!!



In addition to these workshops I’m offering the following Special Small Group Master Classes Limited to 6 people for maximum persoanal attention.

you can contact me at or (606)-528-6119 for registration or more information.





We’ve all suffered through this 2020 nightmare.  So as a thank you to my faithful customers I am not charging a deposit this year until one month before an event.  If you are pretty sure that  you want one of the spots in these workshops just call or email me at   or (606)-528-6119 and I will simply put your name down and hold you a spot!  My way of saying no risk to you and thanks for coming along for all these years!!!




the pilgrim



3 years, 5 months ago 2
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Overnight we got our first snow of 2020, not a big one, just a couple of inches , but enough to bring some pre-Chrismtas cheer!  The tree above, in my neighbors yard was caught by surpise being one the only trees left on my street with some fall foilage hanging on.  Since fall ended any excuse to make a few shots is welcome!



We hang garlend on our front walkway and decorate it with Christmas bows, the first snow added to the drama!



On our back deck we hang out pine wreaths.



My favorite decoration for the season, and any season, is Chester, layng on the couch with his favorite pillow, a gift from Jack and Linda Graham for him!  I’m still enjoying the memories of a wonderful Thanksgiving and all the blessings in my life!


I hope you feel as blessed today!




the pilgrim


Technical:  All images with the Fujifilm X-S10

3 years, 5 months ago 10
Posted in: blog



Wednesday, November 25th, Thanksgivng Eve.  Sherelene is working for the last day this week so, as usual, Chester and I are hanging out at the house.  A storm front is moving in around noon today and the winds have already picked up, but I decided to fly the drone off the back deck and see how it did in the wind.   No problems, it was rock steady, but Chester saw it fly for the first time and he couldn’t figure out what kind of bird made that sound!  It was fun and I got just a couple of shots and some video.  I’m really enjoying being able to get back in the air, with out the risk to life and limb!


Hope  you are preparing ot have a wonderful thanksgiving with those you love!  I certainly am!




the pilgrim