Category : Pilgrim’s Chronicles

13 years, 8 months ago Comments Off on What are our Credentials?

I got an interesting email from a person taking a little issue with what I share on this blog. The person, the first by-the-way, felt that I was speaking above my authority to share some of the thoughts that appear here. That’s o.k. I know that I will never make everyone happy, and in fact if I do, I’m probably not turning over enough rocks. I’m not upset and I actually appreciate the email because it caused me to think about the criticism, and come to some important conclusions.

First: He was right, I’m not a high enough authority to expound some of what is written in this blog. That’s why this sentence appears on the opening page, and has from the beginning:

“I am not in any way qualified or sufficient to impart this wisdom. It is in fact not from me, but from the inspiration that comes from Him.” the pilgrim

Second: If I’m not qualified to impart wisdom why am I doing it? Easy, I was once lost, but now I’m found. I didn’t find myself, He did. His only request is that if we accept His forgiveness and a new life that we share that “Good News”. That is what I do here, plus have a little fun. Even what I try to do to glorify Him is through His power, not mine. I think anyone that knows me and reads this blog, knows this material is coming from a much, much higher power than myself.

Third: I will never apologize for serving Him. (Period) Jesus said, “If you are ashamed of me before man, I will be ashamed of you before my Father in Heaven.” I’m not going to chance that……..


the pilgrim

*Photo note: Nikon D700 body, 75-300 AFS VR Leather tool work in a shop in Santa Fe. Has nothing to do with the blog subject, just like the shot.

13 years, 8 months ago Comments Off on Anticipation

I think one of life’s greatest joys is anticipation, looking forward to something we can’t wait to happen. In less than a month I will be out in The Golden Circle, the great National Parks of
Utah and Arizona with some great people. My team of instructors for the workshop will include such luminaries as Scott Kelby, Wayne Bennett, Richard Small, Jim Begley, and Tim Isaacson. The group that is attending the two events are just as legendary. This is a great group of people coming to a great place to enjoy God’s great creation and some wonderful fellowship.

The region we will be going to is a radical change from the grass and trees of the east. One can’t help but be in awe at the spectacular canyons, deserts, and rock formations in these parks. The shot above is from Zion National Park, one of the most spectacular of them all. I can’t wait to share this region with these dear friends, especially the ones that have never experienced it!

I think that must be how God feels about knowing we are coming home to Him. He loved us so much that He gave His Only Son for us and His patience with us is beyond comprehension. Yet
He stand at the door waiting for us to knock so He can throw it open wide and encourage us to come in. I’m a hugger, I think it is the greatest way to say, I love you and I’m so glad to see you.
I’m sure God likes to hug too, how could he not, after all He is Love.

While we are still here on this earth, we can find joy in all that He made and with all those He loves and has shared with us, but soon the greatest thing we have ever anticipated will happen, we will go to be with Him for eternity.

No matter what you do, don’t miss that trip……….

the pilgrim

13 years, 8 months ago Comments Off on The Art of kicking back………

The last weekend of summer activities, or at least that’s what we have deemed Labor Day to be.
Just because kids are back in school, football season has officially started,and night time temps have started to dip back into the forties doesn’t mean relaxing has ended. Jesus set the example when he went away from his disciples and prayed to His Father. He took time away from the daily duties and recharged His physical and spiritual batteries.

Today’s message is a simple one. Take time. Take time to be quiet and listen to His voice. Take time to sit quietly and let something as simple as the breeze affect you. Get alone and pray and listen. Take a nap. Our lives have become a jumble of activities and responsibilities. God wants you to rest and to communicate with Him. I really believe that we have forgotten how to do that, or at least, we get so out of practice that we have a hard time getting back to it.

While I’m crusading for changes in your life, (and mine). Let’s do a few other things that need to be done, and sometimes get neglected.

Take a moment to listen to your child or grandchild. Let them tell you what they want to share with you. Listen and be supportive. This may have a far greater affect on their lives than you could ever imagine.

Ask your spouse what you could do to make his or her life better. Then really listen and make every effort to supply their request.

Ask God to show you how He wants you to change your heart so that you can better serve Him.

Pray for your co-workers, ask God to show you how to bless them, support them, and show His love to them.

Kick back and enjoy a few minutes of peace and quiet.

I hope you’ve had a great Labor Day Weekend and today you top it off with a little quiet time with Him, and your family.


the pilgrim

*Photo note: Nikon D700. 70-300 AFS VR, late afternoon porch at a New York State Park. Can’t remember the name but I can remember great fellowship with photographer friends, and that great light!

13 years, 8 months ago Comments Off on Tech Friday: Sneak peak at the new plane

I’m trying to get a leg up, going into the Labor Day Weekend. Thought I might share some images of the new plane, since you will soon be seeing video and stills from it in the air. These images were made and sent to me by Mark Klotz who is building the plane in Ohio. Some images are of the plane on display at the Osh Kosh Air Show.

One of the most important features of
this all new version of the Phoenix 103
is the use of the Hirth F23 engine. This
German made aircraft engine is just
the ticket for a Part 103 ultra light
airplane. Weighing in at only 71
lbs. it develops 50 H.P. and a very
flat Torque curve for stable power
at a range of R.P.M.s. The plane
should have a very nice climb rate
and should run smoothly at cruise.
This is very important since I plan to
hang at least 5 video cameras attached
at various points around the plane to
do a video program on flying ultra
lights, low and slow.

Shown to the right is the engine and
exhaust system, fuel tank, and
electrical wiring with mag switches
(red and blue overhead).

Below, right some of the instruments that
will be on the panel. New electronic instruments from Be-Lite Aviation company. The new plane is the re birth, (thus the Phoenix),
of the original Aerolite 103.
After several years of very
successful manufacturing the
Aerolite Company went
out of business. My builder
Mark Klotz had served as the
President and principal
builder for Aerolite, so when
his no compete clause expired
he decided to bring the very
successful plane back to the
market with numerous design
changes and improvements
that make the once great
plane even better!

What is 103? The Federal Aviation Administration established some years ago a special class-
ification of aircraft called Part 103. For an airplane to be a Part 103 it must weight less than 254 pounds, have one seat, and only 5 gallons of fuel. It further must not be able to fly faster than 63 mph in level flight. If the plane meets these criteria, the pilot may fly without a license. It is the simplest purest form of aviation for fun.

If everything goes according to plan, I will be showing more next week and hopefully posting some video as well!

Have a great weekend and may God bless you and your family.

the pilgrim