Category : Pilgrim’s Chronicles

8 years, 12 months ago 7



During the Roanoke workshop I saw a lot of color for color sake subjects, please allow me to share a few!










There is great joy in color, but the subtlety of monochrome has it’s own charms!!!!







Go out and have some fun!!




the pilgrim



8 years, 12 months ago 14



When I visited Liberty University last week I had the opportunity to review the portfolio of the           photography students for Tim Isaacson’s classes.  It was  pleasant experience, until I met Joel Isimeme!  It then went from pleasant, to astounding.  The minute I met this young man, I knew there was something going on behind those sparkling eyes and warm smile!  When I got half way through his portfolio I hit a run of images that blew me away.  Lots of Tim’s student had very good technical skills, a few excellent ones, but this young man has work with real heart and soul.  Joel was able to reach into his subjects and pull out the hidden side that few photographers can reach.


About Joel:  Joel is originally from Nigeria, Africa. Joel’s father, a newspaper journalist and publisher, and his mother, an employee of the state-run oil company, sent all three of their sons to America to get a college education. Joel’s older brother lives in Southern California and is studying to be a surgeon, and his younger brother just joined Joel at Liberty University and is studying computer engineering. Joel himself, a junior at Liberty is a graphic design major and is pursuing a double minor in photography and fashion. Joel is going to spend this summer at a Christian camp in Georgia being the camp photographer. After that he plans to return to Liberty for his senior year.


I was honored to view his work, to take it in and meet this remarkable young man, it is now my privilege to share them with you!







Joel ask me to share something meaningful about his work.  It was easy, I told him that talent like his was God given, and that he needed to get on his knees and ask God to show him how to use his talent for something more valuable than fame and fortune.  He agreed that that was his desire.


Now it’s our turn, this is Joel, take good long look at him, because I hope you will join me in praying for him, his future and his service to our Heavenly Father.  I am sure that big things lie in his future.


I enjoy my trips to Liberty, but this one was the most special of all.    It is not everyday that God introduces you to someone he has so blessed and will use so powerfully.  I feel honored to  have had the time I spent with him!  Please join me in prayer for Joel and his future!




the pilgrim











9 years ago 2



Fuji has a very exciting lens on the Lens Road Map, at least for me!   The 120mm Micro f 2.8 is not due to arrive until sometime in 2016!  I am sure it will be fantastic, everything else these guys have made is!  I can’t wait, well, I’m going t have to wait, but I sure am looking forward to a longer macro lens that goes 1:1!   I have several option that are working now, but a few weeks ago Rokinon announced a 100mm Macro f 2.8 lens that goes to 1:1.   It sounded interesting so I picked one up to check it out.  I did a little test with several lenses I use for close-up work in addition to the 60mm Micro from Fuji.  Below are some sample images of my Tascam hand held recorder, or a small part of it.  You can draw your own conclusions but my estimation is that if you do not have a longer Micro with 1:1 capabilities the Rokinon is a great deal for less than $600.  The Nikkor 105 mm Micro f 2.8 is even better deal and lens and can be purchased for much less than $600. in mint condition, but the downside is it only goes stop 1/2 life size.  A 200mm Micro Nikkor will cost you a lot more, but does go 1:1 and at much greater working distance, downside?  It cost nearly two grand, of you can find one.  If you do a lot of close-up work it is worth it, “if you can’t wait for the Fuji 100 mm Macro.”  The last option is the most reasonable, most convent and the least painful on your wallet.  If  you already own the 180-135 Fuji zoom, (and if you don’t, it is being discounted right now!!!) A 67mm to 77 mm step up ring and Canon 500D Close-up diopter does a terrific hop and you can zoom for image size!  You can’t get as close, obviously, but for many folks 1/4 life size is close-enough!


Here are the test shots of each:


First the 105mm Micro Nikkor (all images shot at f 11)



The Rokinon 100mm f 2.8 Macro



200mm Micro Nikkor



The Fuji 18-135 super zoom with he Canon 500D



So there you have it, a lot of ways to get to approximately the same place.  Fortunately it all works, just some options are more convenient than the others.  Good technique and being careful and you can make it happen.  Isn’t this photography thing fun!!!!

9 years ago 8



Wow, what a place!!  Black Dog Salvage is one incredible shooting location!  I checked it out today and I wanted to share some images from there.  I know that this will be a frequent stop for future workshops and personal work.  The variety of items in this location is simply stunning!  I hope you enjoy the images and they give you some ideas!!!!










Next week I want to share the story of a great young man I met at Liberty University and share is absolutely wonderful work with you, his name is Joel, and I can’t wait to show you his simply breathtaking work!


We started our Roanoke workshop and it was a delight to work with Fred Sisson after all these years of a great friendship!!!!




the pilgrim


One more, a ships door!  in Monochrome!