Daily Archives: October 17, 2013

10 years, 6 months ago 20

WARNING:  if you don’t like to talk about politics, join the club, neither do I, but every six months, or so, I need to rant so if you don’t want to hear my rant, shut down the site NOW and come back tomorrow when I will be, most likely, talking again about photography and our Heavenly Father!


I’m fed up, fed up with all of them, o.k. maybe a few honorable people are in Washington trying to do what is best for the American people, but my estimate is that about 95% are self serving, thieves bent on only one thing, remaining in power.  They rob from those that work to support those that won’t, yes some folks are having a tough time and out nation has always offered a helping hand up to those in trouble, but we now offer a helping hand into the hammock for anyone that will vote for the offering party or politician.  Too few are pulling a wagon too filled with those unwilling to help shoulder the load.


To make matters even worse they lie about everything, “we are drowning without the funds to run the government!!!!!”  The day after an agreement, all back pay is paid to everyone who helped take part in the scam on the American people.  We’re broke, we owe more than we can possibly ever repay, and yet the government continues to create new programs that are impossible to fund, and by the way, none of them are willing to live under that same laws of the people.  I get Social Security and Obamacare, a Senator or Congressman or the member of any Union in America get a Cadillac system and a pension that equals almost what they made in their best years of working. Hey good for them, but wait, there is a problem, we can’t pay for it!!!!!!  Let’s see…… if we take all the wealth of the wealthy that still won’t put a dent in it!


The people we elected and sent to Washington to serve us, have only served themselves, and they have done 98% of the damage necessary to destroy this country.  I believe in the American people, and I hope we are waking up and will start demanding that the needed changes are made.  If we don’t kiss goodbye to the life in America you remember as a child!!


My Solution:


If I had a hundred trillion dollars I will tell you exactly what I would do!


I would call a meeting of all the elected and appointed folks in Washington.  I would meet with them all at once, in one place, and tell them the following;


I will do the folllowing if you will meet my demands:


I will pay off the National debt, every penny.


I will  fully fund Social Security for the next 40 years with an untouchable Trust Fund.


I will provide funds for a safety net to be extended for 6 more years, after which every person that can work, will have to be self supporting, and become a tax payer.


I will write the checks right now if you will:


Leave Washington, and never return, resign from your offices, and cut all ties with government.


Each and every office holder will be subjected to a forensic audit, if you are found to have stolen embezzled, or gotten gain in any illegal manner, it must be repaid to the American people. If you have broken the law you will be prosecuted.  These same IRS folks that harass the citizens will audit you!   After the audits are completed and they will be time limited, the IRS will be disbanded. After a thorough study is done on what the government (really needs) to meet it’s obligations a flat tax will be set that applies equally to every citizen.


The government must run on a balanced budget, without borrowing one cent to fund the operations of the U.S. government.   As promised by President Obama, and not delivered, every bill must be on the internet for anyone to see for at least 10 days before it is voted on, and no bill can be longer than ten pages in length.  If it takes more than that, it must be separate bills. Adding unrelated items to any bill will be punishable by expulsion from office and a 1 year prison sentence.


Every single regulations must be studied and determined if it has had any positive affect on society, if it is just red tape, it shall be taken off the books.  If it cannot be determined, it will be voted on by the American people.  Because almost everything will be done via computer, anyone caught rigging any vote in the system will be punished with a 25 year prison sentence, not eligible for parole.


When new elections are held, the elected will have term limits, and all will have a audit before taking office and can gain no more than 10% greater wealth than the day they took office. Lobbying will be outlawed and severely punished when evidence is found that it took place.


Every law passed must apply to the congress and the federally elected officers that applies to the American people.  We all go on Social Security, and whatever our national health care turns out to be.  If it’s not good enough for them, it;;’s not good enough for us.


We will go back to a strict adhering to the U. S. Constitution.


Much more will need to be done, but it will all be approached from a single perspective, what is good for all the people, not just the few!


Now if I could just scratch up that 100 trillion!!!




the pilgrim


Wow, I feel better!!!!!!