Daily Archives: October 10, 2013

10 years, 6 months ago 4


In a twenty-five year career of running workshops in the national parks, I’ve never had this problem!  We’ve had snow, pouring rain, high winds, fires, but never kindergarden acting politicians……  Thankfully the Cleveland Metro Parks are wonderful and open for business!  We are heading down to the Amish region today and I hope to have some good stuff to share with you tomorrow.  We have a good group and everyone is excited including the leaders.  Here are a couple of stream shots they will get to make Friday or Saturday.



This is a great area and I know we will have a lot of fun and make some memorable images.  Please pray that I will be an effective teacher and help them in every way I can!




the pilgrim


Photo Note:  Funi X-E1, 18-55.