Daily Archives: October 22, 2013

10 years, 6 months ago 17

For the last 43 years, as a photographer, I have been obsessed with lenses!!  There, I said it, admitted it, and owned up to it!!!!  Nothing in photography has consumed as much of my time as trying to determine if the lenses I had, or the ones I wanted to buy, were sharp enough, distortion free enough, or color correct enough to allow me to make the images I hoped to make.  Last night I said good night to Sherelene and let her go on to bed while I sat on the couch and read about, you guessed it, lenses!!!!!


I discovered something very important, and it won’t affect my photography much one way or the other, I’m obsessing about the wrong things!  I came smack up against the realization that I don’t obsess as much about my relationship with God as my lenses……  Bummer, what an awful thing to come face to face with.  I do love my Lord, and I read the Bible, and pray, and call on Him every day. I try to serve Him, and adhere to what I believe He is revealing to me.  But I get obsessed with a small metal tube filled with glass!!??


It is a bad habit, one that the enemy helps us cultivate, to find anything that will take us away from considering what is most important in life, our relationship with Him!  I know how much He has given to me, how fortunate I am to be forgiven, to have a wonderful family, great friends, and a profession I really enjoy, but I need to not let anything supplant my worship and attention to my time with Him!!!!!


I am committing to seek release from such obsessions!




the pilgrim