Daily Archives: March 7, 2014

10 years, 2 months ago 13


One of the most pleasing attributes of the new equipment I’m shooting is the quality of the monochrome images that come straight out of the camera!  I started my career as a newspaper photojournalist and of course shot black and white film and made prints for the paper.  I came to really enjoyed seeing and imaging in monochrome!  Tones, and the graphic qualities of the image are much more important in monochrome.   Color can become the main point of photograph that has great color, but monochrome must rely on other qualities of the image, and it is a good teacher!


Let me share a few black and white/monochrome images that I hope will prove the point!



In each image the central points design, lines, shapes, and tones, some of these may have been successful as color shots, but the design made each a strong monochrome composition.  Below is one more monochrome conversion, and then the original color shot below it, yes sometimes color screams look at me!!!


………and now, ready for it?



Teach yourself to see more effectively by playing with the medium!




the pilgrim