Daily Archives: March 13, 2014

10 years, 1 month ago 12

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O.K. Fuji gushing warning!  I’m about to really hit a high note for Fuji, so fair warning!!!!  I just got my new Fuji 56mm f 1.2 lens today brought to me from Dury’s by my buddy, Nick Coury, the handsome guy above!  I really wanted a 85mm equivalent for the X System with some good speed, what I got was exactly that, and much more!!!  Fuji has been banging out one great lens after another and they have done it again……  My first lens was the 18-55, (some call a kit lens), NOT!!  it as truly spectacular!  Then the 60mm Micro, a great lens, focuses too slow, but when it locks…… oh my, how crisp!  I did not have a lot of faith in the 55-200, but other than the slower aperture, it is very, very sharp, and well made lens!  Then the 14mm f 2.8, turned out to be the one of the best wide angle lenses I’ve ever shot, same for the 23mm f 1.4 a truly incredible lens, how could the 56mm f 1.2 stand up to all this great, truly great, glass???!!!  Well it tops them all!  Oh, I forgot the darling of every X-Pro-1 shooter, the 35m f1.4 which deserve all the accolades it has been given as well.  I don’t have the 18mm f2 or 27mm f 2.8, too much overlap with other lenses!


I was perfectly happy with the X-Pro-1 & the  X-E1, then was even happier with the X-E2, I love the X100s, it’s a steal, and now the X-T1 is the best yet, in fact, one of the best cameras I’ve ever shot!  So talk is cheap, here are some images from Old Car City today with the 56mm f 1.2!!



Way to go Fuji, thanks for providing such great toys and tools!




the pilgrim