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6 years, 8 months ago 4
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You guys know that I don’t recommend a lot of films, but this one is a must!  Have you ever had a freind that you have prayed for constantly, and couldn’t get through to.  Someone that just can’t accept the exisitence of God?  This film is based on the true story of Lee Strobel, a reporter who set out to prove that God did not exist and that the crucification and resurrection of Christ never happened!


After exhaustive research he came to the only conclusion that pure historical evidence leads to, the truth!


Please get this film and be as inspired and reminded OF God’s love as I was!!!!




the pilgrim

6 years, 8 months ago 12
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The Portland Fuji Summit was a great event, great attendees, a wonderful team, and lousy weather, fires, and lots of smoke.  The one morning we went out to do a landscape shot we got only th breifest of color, above, but it was still a lot fun!


Dan Bailey, Dan Westergren and Jack were all in high form, as usual, and the guests had a good time.  We went to a Dahlia farm and we all had fun shooting the tons of varieties!  I’m not a flower photogrpaher, but even I had fun, some samples below!


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The top shot was with the Fuji 100-400 all the flower images were made with the 90mm f 2 lens.  Up next the Grand Tetons!!!




the pilgrim



6 years, 8 months ago 4
Posted in: Uncategorized


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I leave at O:Dark Thirty tomorrow for Portland, OR to Join Jack Graham, Dan  Bailey and Dan Westergren for the last Fujifilm Summit for 2017!   I took the summer;  half of June, all of July and August off to be with family.  During the 7 + month battle Wes has waged against his cancer, we have all altered our schedules to be available for anything we can do to help!!  Our family has really drawn even closer together and I think I will try to take all my summers off and be with Sherelene, my adult kids and grandchildren in the future!!!


The fall is and exciting mix of some of my favorite locations!  After I return from Portland, the next thing up is at the end of September, early October, the Grand Tetons with Jack, truly one of the most majestic national parks!  Then it’s off to Buffalo, NY to do a one day digital photography seminar for the Frontier Camera Club.  The nexty week I’m over to Akron, Ohio to meet Jack for his Amish and Northern Ohio Tour, always a lot of fun!  On the way home,, (driving to all those locations), I will stop by Liberty University to speak to Tim Issacson’s photography classes!


I get home just in 1time to make sure I’m still married and then it’s down to the Smokies for the Annual Nature Photography Summit!  The following week Jack joins me for our Fall Smokies Fujifilm Workshop!


I will enjoy the rest of November with my family and then head back to the Smokies for the last part of November and early December for the “Christmas in the Smokies” with our His Light Faithful Friends for a reunion and to get spiritually prepared for the holidays!


Then my winter break will last until the Great American Route 66 Tour Jack and I are doing in mid March!  Full details on next year’s schedule coming soon!!  You can see all the Bill and Jack schedule at


One new feature for next year, I will be offering “One on One” private teaching sessions, details coming on that too!!!!


Have a great fall!




the pilgrim

6 years, 8 months ago 28
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Last night Wes and Rhonda came home from the Markey Cancer Center in Lexington, Kentucky after a 29 day stay for extensive chemo and treatments.  I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a bigger smile on Wes’s and Rhonda’s faces than when they sat down on his patio surrounded by neighbors, friends, and his children!  Wes has been declared cancer free!  Now all he has to do is walk the long walk back to full strength! With Rhonda by his side I have no doubt he will make it!  Rhonda has been the living example of a great wife and partner.  She never left his side through out the 7 month fight, and as her father-in-law I’ve always loved and appreciated Rhonda, but my respect has risen to an all-time high!


There is no doubt in my mind that all of this is because of you!  The outpouring of concern and the fervent prayers of all our friends, and their friends and people we will never meet until in eternity they walk up to Sherelene and I and say I prayed for Wes!  If you don’t believe me, ask his doctors and staff of both hospitals and cancer centers, they will tell you his recovery was filled with miracles. I am sharing this because, from the deepest part of my heart,  I want to thank you, and I want you to know that God is there and He cares and still hears our voice and still performs miracles!


I pray that everyone that reads this post will know that this is “real”.  If you are walking though this life without Him, how are you going to face these difficult times that come into everyone’s lives eventually?  Inspite of the severity of Wes’s fight, with this disease, God continually gave me a peace that past all understanding.  I desperately want that for you too!  I don’t ever want you to have to walk through anything like this without His precious hand on your shoulder.  If I could wrap up His love and give it to you as a gift, I would!!!  Unfortunately that’s not how it works!!!  Each of us has to come to a place where we realize that we simply can’t do this thing called life in our own strength.  We can’t carry the burden of all our faults and actions on our own.  Only One can lift the burden and give us true peace and comfort.  Jesus stands at the door and knocks and asks if He can come in.  It’s simple, open the door and ask Him in and ask Him to forgive you and make you new.


You’ve given me the greatest gift, my son back, please join me  in reaching out to a lost world and encourage the lost to find the way! For some time I’ve known that ask James Taylor sings “That’s Why I’m Here” that is my purpose and my mission.  I want to share God’s unending, uncomprehendable Love with all that don’t know it!


There is nothing more imporant we can do with our lives than to steer others to Him!


Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart!


May His blessings be on you,


the pilgrim