Category : Pilgrim’s Chronicles

13 years, 11 months ago Comments Off on Serving Him

Hope you had a wonderful weekend, preferably with family! After the better part of a week in Boulder I got home late Saturday night and enjoyed Sunday and Monday with family. We spent Monday on the lake and I couldn’t resist the shot above.

I spent a good part of the week sharing with friends about photography, and faith, with a few. Every time I reach out in faith to others, the enemy threatens me with the same old warning, “you will get in trouble for sharing your faith….”

The answer to those attacks lies in this scripture:

2 Timothy 1:7 New King James Version

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.

Many people are seeking the answers to some of life’s most vexing problems. All the answers are in Him. If we do not reach and out and love others with Christ’s love, we will never reach those that need Him. Obviously the enemy would like nothing more than to mute us because of fear of the reaction of others.

If we reach out in love, we will seldom ever raise the ire of those that would come against us. If we try to serve God by raining down judgement, that is when it gets rough. Remember, Judgement is God’s job, not ours. We are to deliver love, compassion, and help. Leave the judging to God.

Use this week to show other that your really care, then they will want to know why!

the pilgrim

Sherelene and my grandson Elijah. Fun at the lake……

13 years, 11 months ago Comments Off on The color of memories and blessings

Well, I’d hoped to shoot something interesting to share with you in Boulder, but all I’ve seen in daylight hours are classrooms and airports. The classes have been terrific, I’m learning a lot
but have had no time to shoot. I pulled an image out of the files tonight because it’s really special to me. It was shot in Savannah last year at the wonderful workshop that Scott Kelby and I did together. What made it special was the tremendous group that came to share the time with us. We liked that group so much we are running a reunion event in October in Moab, Utah. This was a really special group of photographers and as I speak, with many of them signing up for this event, I’m reminded of how rich God has blessed me with special people like them. Wayne Bennett, Joanne Wells and Bill Durrence also helped teach and Ricky Skaggs also joined in on the fun.

I chose the image above because even though it is just some rusted steel doors, it bursts with rich color. God takes our lives, no matter how rusted and worn, and makes them burst with color and meaning. I shared with you that I had high hopes for who I might minister to, on this trip.

I found out today.

It was someone ministering to me! One of the speakers was Pulitzer Prize Winning writer and his presentation was one of the most touching and enduring I’ve seen in along time. I’m pretty sure his name was Jim Sheeler, but if I’m wrong I will correct it in the next blog. He asked permission of his paper to do something different in the Obituaries column. He started doing stories that delved deeper into the lives of those that had recently died. The depth and care of his stories were astounding. He is a real example of how we can take the job God has given us, and turn it into real service to others, and to God Himself. It was stark reminder of how much we could do if we only focused on the needs and cares of others. So I came a long way thinking God was going to use me, but instead I got a great lesson in how God uses others……… Well I was in class…..

the pilgrim

13 years, 11 months ago Comments Off on Redemption

I don’t often recommend movies, and this one has a number of reasons why I wouldn’t. It has something more important than it’s drawbacks. It is a poignant tale of redemption. Bad Blake is a near the end of his career washed up, one time has been country singer / songwriter. He struggles through life making one bad decision after another. He doesn’t mean to hurt anyone, but hurts a lot of people along the way. But thank God that this tale is true for many of us, a moment comes when we wake up and truly see the man in the mirror. Sadly some never accept the forgiveness and new life that has been offered to us. Bad Blake does.

The music is good, if you like hard thumping country, and Jeff Bridge’s performance won him the Academy Award for Best Actor. It’s a well crafted film that capture the depths of human emotion.

It taught me that we need to love the Bad Blakes of the world, that is who Jesus hung out with when He was here. That is who He died for. It pains me to say, He died for the Bad Blake in me and you.

the pilgrim

13 years, 11 months ago Comments Off on But it’s not home……..

Yes it’s beautiful, but it’s not home. Sorry for the poor excuse for an image, I’ll try to do better for tomorrow. I was on planes all day so this was my best idea to make a point, hope it works!?
You know how much I love my job and thank God and my bosses for it. But there is not place like home. Yesterday I got a taste of home from years ago. I was asked by by dear shooting buddy Eddie Arnold, (no, not the same one your thinking about), to speak at the Barbourville, Kentucky
Chamber lunch. Two very dear people to me showed up and surprised me. Jane Blair and Janie
Skidmore (Jane’s daughter). Many years ago I worked at Richland Coal Company that was owned by Doug Blair. When I count the handful of men on my hand that were pivotal in my life and the men of great character and integrity, Doug Blair would be near the top. His family has been very special to me and it was a real pleasure to visit with them.

Home is not just the house you live in, and the family you live with. It’s any place where the people there always leave the welcome mat out, and greet you with open arms. Few people in life realize what a profound impact they can have on others just by being who they are. Doug and Jane,
Janie and her late husband Steve all helped me and changed me in important ways. I don’t think they were trying to change me, but being in their presence helped me see life, myself, and God more clearly. What greater gift could you give someone?

I want to be that kind of person to others. Not for my glory, but for His………

the pilgrim