Daily Archives: February 19, 2014

10 years, 3 months ago 22


His name was Samson, but I affectionately called him “Big Brown Dog.”  Even from the time he was a puppy he was a big, awkward, lumbering, ball of  brown fur.  They say that a dog is man’s best friend, and in some ways that is true.   I never remember him being ashamed of me, mad at me, or unwilling to come over and let me love on him.  In fact, every time I visited Catherine’s and Clint’s house, which is often, he would rush over and lay his head in my lap as if to say, your late, get to work rubbing my ears!  Big Brown Dog was a faithful friend, never wavering in his devotion to his family.  When they adopted a small hyper-active Boston Bull Terrier named Charlie, Samson took it in stride, and shared his home with the the new comer, even though one of her favorite games was pestering him in every conceivable manner, he stayed the calm loving old boy he had always been!  He knew no other way.


You can know everything there is to know about someone when you look into their eyes, and if they look back,  you can sense their soul.  Big Brown Dog was and open book to read and you knew he loved you, when you looked into those big brown eyes!  Samson would love to get up on the couch and lay his head in your lap, and would never move as long as you would hold him there.  If he got to warm he would get up and move to the floor, but never go very far from your feet.


Several years ago, Samson ran off and got lost, he was gone for days and we frantically searched for him, it seemed he was gone and we were all torn up, but then he reappeared, thinner, and oh so very glad to see his family!


After that he rarely went very far from home, I think in fear he would be lost again.  Yesterday he took his last trip.  At almost 11 he succumbed to what we believe was a heart attack in the kitchen floor next to his beloved family, as they had lunch.  I joined them in the kitchen and after consoling my grandchildren, and Catherine, and Clint I ran into town to run errands.  As I drove alone my mind was filled with all those wonderful moments loving on my Big Brown Dog.  He wasn’t really my dog, of course he belonged to the Catherine, Clint, Cassidy and Cade,  but then again he was my dog too, in fact anyone’s he allowed into his big warm heart, was truly his friend.


I’ll miss you my friend,  it was great to have you to love, and to be loved by you, I’ll see you before too long, on the other side.   Be at peace Samson, and don’t worry, I’ll watch over your family until we meet again.




the pilgrim


I allowed myself to really let loose and cry after writing this dedication to Big Brown Dog this morning, it feels good to let it go……  It would be an honor and a privilege to be remembered as warmly as he will.