Daily Archives: February 24, 2014

10 years, 2 months ago 7


One of the things I’ve loved about the Fuji X system is the incredible performance at high ISOs! Because you can shoot at 1600, 3200 or even 6400 without excessive noise (none up to 1600), you can, in a pinch, shoot hand held!!  Today driving around the island, on the wrong side of the road, well at least by the way we drive back in the lower 48 states, getting shots was often only possible if you pulled of the side of the road and rolled down the window for a grab shot!  The image above and he next few where all hand held at higher ISOs!




I was really concerned to come on this trip without an L bracket from RRS, but one is not available yet, however I put a little plate from Kirk made for point an shoots which has allowed me to use a Arca-Swiss ball head (RRS) for some shooting.  Truthfully I’ve been very pleased with the sharpness of all he hand held shots with the X-T1, and most of these are with the 55-200 which also has a great Optical Image Stabilization system!


One more note, struck up a conversation  with a gentleman at the pool today, a man named Norm Pike, from Rochester, New York, and a  former Kodak guy from years back, and we had a great conversation, and turned out he is a brother in the  Lord, and I got to meet his family!  Thank you Lord for the wonderful people you bring into our lives, God is truly good!   Was nice to meet you Norm!


Tomorrow it’s down to the docks to try and find some interesting boats!




the pilgrim