Daily Archives: February 23, 2014

10 years, 2 months ago 8


First full day on the island and we made a quick trip to pick up groceries, and then got Sherelene to the pool!  Beautiful day here today, 84 degrees, and nice breeze!  I always find myself captivated by the colors, since I’ve spent grey winter in Kentucky!  I didn’t work to hard today, but I did try to capture some things that would help me get used to the X-T1.  Above some flowering bushes outside our building, with one green leave poking in, had to shoot it. The fold out LCD was a life save for this shot, I couldn’t get my head through the branches but with the LCD folded out,  I could compose, and check results without moving the camera.  Shot in Astia, starting to love that color simulation!


Below a grab shot on the side of the road, sure love their choice of paint down here!  ISO 400, hand-held from the car window, car was stopped off the road.



On the drive to the grocery store I saw this tree, thought it was a nice set of angles.



Also loved the Fuji Monochrome processed version!  This is in camera!!!!



Later today the light turned harsh, so if you get lemons, make lemonade!  I tried to find things that harsh light work for.



Finally, I did spend some time sleeping in the shade at the pool while Sherelene soaked in the sun, shot below made on the chase lounge after a nap!!!




Using color control points in Capture NX 2.0 I was able to darken the water, the pool edges and slightly  brighten the sky. Ala, Carl’s suggestion, I think he is right, it is better……


X-T1 notes so far:  


1.  Metering is just like the X-E2, spot on, I rarely have to do much right out of the camera.  All the images are jpeg fine images.


2.  I think Fuji has tweaked the colors a little in the film simulation modes, the Velvia is not as over the top, which is a good thing, I’m really falling in love with Astia, it was the setting for all these images today.


3.  Now that I’m getting used to the new settings for the custom function buttons, it really speeds up operation and is lot more convenient that going back into the menus.


4.  I continue to be amazed at the viewfinder, it is such  joy to use!


More tomorrow!




the pilgrim



10 years, 2 months ago 4

Well, after an entire day in airports, and driving across the Island, we got in, just in time to see the last light, as we were checking in!  Not to worry, tomorrow is another day!  Tonight I simply enjoyed the view from my seat at the table!  I’m not a beach person, but I love nothing more than getting my beach loving wife to a resort in the Caribbean!!  I’ll rest up tonight and start shooting and exploring tomorrow!




the pilgrim