Daily Archives: February 9, 2023
Well, since as of today I’m truly a fossil, yes it is my birthday, as of 6:00 a.m. this morning, I’m 77 years old, glad to get that out of the way. I hardly remember how I felt a year ago, but 77 seems pretty scary. Sherelene reminds me, “It’s just a number!” ….and I tell her, “Yes but it’s a really BIG number!” O.K. let’s get over it Bill! God has a plan and I’m just glad to be in it!
Photography Post Mortem: Since we are celebrating old things today I decided to make today’s image with retro camera. I went back to the camera that started it all for me and my love affair with Fujifilm. The shot was made with the Fujifilm X-10, shot at 1/2 second and f 9. Provia film simulation.
Forgive my for making this about myself, but then it is my blog! ….and thanks for helping get though this day!
the pilgrim
Post Script: The wooden date reminder was bought on a great photo junket with my deat buddy, Wayne Bennett
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