Daily Archives: January 11, 2013

11 years, 3 months ago 2

fence |fens|noun1 a barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area of ground to mark a boundary, control access, or prevent escape.


 “Mark a boundary, control access, or prevent escape.”   Let me encourage you to knock down the fences in your life. What is marking the boundaries in your life, what is preventing you from escaping?  Who would want to control access to a fulfilling life?  You have an enemy, he is real, he is the author of lies, and evil.   Let’s get down to brass tacks, if their is a God, and there is, then it makes complete sense that there is a Satan.  Think about it, a man goes into an elementary school and kills dozens of people in cold blood, can anyone really believe that real evil does not exist in this world.  Trust me on this one, there is someone out there that wants to fence you in and hold you back from what God wants you to have!


The amazing thing is how many people think that the existence of evil is not a reality in spite of the world we live in and the atrocities we all witness, they beleive somehow with the right government  program and we can make the world all better.  No wonder so many are wandering in the wilderness!  There is a magic bullet, and he died to save the world, when will we turn to the right source so that all our fencess can be torn down??!!  Anything else, is only mending fences…….




the pilgrim