Daily Archives: January 23, 2013

11 years, 3 months ago 6


Thinking about life on the drive home from Atlanta last night I came to some interesting thoughts. I thought about just how much God has blessed my life, about how much I love my partner and wife, how much I’ve enjoyed my children and now what a great pleasure it is to have 6  fantastic grandchildren.  Then I thought about what as great time Jim and I along with Snake, Chuck, Scott, Matt and RC have had doing the workshops and sharing our faith!


Then I thought about how much I’ve enjoyed the great people of Nikon that have become such good friends, and how many wonderful customers I’ve worked with.  Then I thought about just how much more fun I’m having as a photographer than ever before!  I started thinking about all the great plans I have for this year, and next year, and hopefully the year after that!  I can’t wait to see Tuscany with Sherelene, and hit some more great beaches with her, and then watch each year as my grandchildren grow older.


I can’t wait to share God’s unbelievable love with others, to encourage  people He places in my path to trust Him and let Him change their lives forever.  I thought about how the simplest pleasures in life hold such a  strong attraction!  Sitting by the fire place on a cold winter’s night, reading a great book, and studying His Word.


I thought about how honored I felt to have Charles Stanley come to the booth in Atlanta and gave me a hug, and then to get a hardy handshake from Donn Jones, (the Tennessee Titans photographer),  and my dear brother Nick Coury.  I thought what good friends Scott Diussa, and Bill Pekala, Paul Van Allen, and all the “youngsters” at Nikon have become!


I thought most of all how unbelievable is is that one man, the most important man in history, came to earth, and died for me, so t hat I might be forgiven of my sins.  I thought all of this is not possible, for a man like me that deserves so little, but has been given so much.


I then drove in my driveway, hugged and kissed Sherelene,  and then set quietly by the fire and thought some more……


A blessed man,

