Daily Archives: January 20, 2013

11 years, 3 months ago 6

O.K., I wasn’t actually working on the railroad, I was working at the Railroad Museum, the South East RR Museum in Duluth Georgia.  I was on my way to Atlanta for Imaging USA and decided to check out this museum we will be visiting during the Old Car City event.  R.C. Concepcion came up to join me and we worked on some HDR images and checked out the place!  I have to tell you the last time I was this excited it was when Jm and I discovered Old Car City.  RC and I shared my camera and it turned out all our images went on one card so he is downloading tonight, I will prepare some images tomorrow night!  I did take my point and shoot around while R.C. was shooting and will share some of those but I can’t wait to show you the HDR images from the D800 later in the weekend!


R.C. got so excited he has decided to join us at Old Car City!  He has been dying to shoot there and loved the train museum, it is making the Old Car City event look even more exciting than ever before!!  So here are some quick snaps and a portrait at the bottom R.C. did of me.




As you can see there is a great variety of things to shoot; trains, buses, and tons of close-up opportunities!  We still have a few spots, but now that R.C. will be joining us, those will go soon!




the pilgrim


PS  Now after a good nights sleep I decided to take these “point and shoot” images and do my simple HDR (look alike) processing, most are done in Topaz adjust, either; Spicify or Psychedelic.  I then generally reduce the saturation which gets highly magnified in these settings.   Wallah, 30 second HDR!!  Compare to the shots above with fairly minimal processing.



While these images don’t show the polish and finish of a Jim Begley or RC, HDR, but they take 30 seconds to a minute!  Better or worse?  That’s your decision, your the the viewer, critic, and recipient of the “attempted” art!


And a word about breaking the rules.  These are all made with a point an shoot camera, hand held!  Sometimes, it works………….


Alright, this is addicting, one more, the mail boxes done in Topaz Simplify, Oil Painting filter;


After above, before below;