Daily Archives: January 16, 2013

11 years, 3 months ago 3

After several months of using the D600, I’m more and more impressed with the camera!  I am finding myself recommending it more and more, and here is 5 reasons why:


1.  The 24.3 mega pixel sensor is outstanding both in terms of sharpness, resolution, and color. The metering and White Balance systems work beautifully with it!


2.  In spite of the fact that it is a FX sensor of such high mega pixels (35mm film size) it has extremely low noise even at high ISOs like 3200 and 6400.  It’s truly amazing how clean the files are!


3. Along with the D7000 it is the quietest camera I’ve ever heard for a DSLR!  There is very little  shake when the mirror cycles! It just sounds perfect, even when firing at 5.5 frames per second.


4.  Just like the three bears story, when you hold it in your hands it’s just right!  Not too big, not too small, it feels just right!  Enough heft to say quality, low enough weight to ease your shoulder in and all day shoot!


5.  Motionless remote shooting with the  ML-L3 remote!!!!  This is a big deal when you consider how these many mega pixels test your steadiness!


The D800 is “the” monster hi res camera, and for those that want the ultimate in detal, it still reins king, but the D600 does not lag very far behind, and is a joy to use, turst me the images you will get are something to behold!




the pilgrim

